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On the recommendation (and persistence) of a couple of my gal pals, I watched this show. I rarely watch chick flick TV shows. Not because I don’t like them, but because they normally bore me. Thus, is why I rarely read chick lit unless I really can’t resist.
The show follows three friends in New York. They met at this famous woman’s magazine in all different departments. They became best friends. We have Kat, Jane, and Sutton.
Sooo I started this journey not sure. I had really low expectations and I was expecting to be bored by episode 2. However,…I was pleasantly surprised by this show.
There are three seasons and I finished ALL pretty quickly. Season 1 took me a little longer, but I still went through it in about 2 or 3 days. Season 3 I got done in a single day. Yep. I couldn’t stop. I totally binged that last season and I am SOOOOOOOOOO mad. I want season 4 NOW! I NEED TO KNOW! HOW CAN THEY LEAVE ME THUS! MONSTERS! Ugh…yes….it was a huge cliffie at the end there and I am SO mad. It was a good cliffie. But ugh.
Let’s talk about the characters.
We have Kat. I like her but she is too rash and immature in some of her decisions. Drives me nuts. But I love how she is really opening up and being honest with herself. She is easy to tell it how it is for everyone else, but she is becoming so well-rounded as a character. But she still makes DUMB decisions. I guess you can’t control who you love.
We have Sutton. I simply adore her. She is SO funny and SO fun. I really relate to her in so many ways. She is so brave and confident. Sometimes she needs a good kick in the romp, but I adore her. There was a part in season 3 I was annoyed with her. C’mon lady…get your head out of your ass, but I get WHY she was the way she was about certain things…but still…don’t be dumb.
Speaking of growing on me….there is Jane. I hated her season 1 and season 2. Okay hated is a strong word, but I really wanted to kick her. She is so self-centered and so dramatic about EVERYTHING. Like take a chill pill lady. Jacqueline was right and she really needed to grow up. It took nearly a full 2 seasons for me to like Jane. Near the end of season 2 I found myself actually liking her. She really developed during a certain phase of time. She needed it for sure.
I did not care for Richard at first, but he grew on me. LOOOOVVEEEE HIMMMM the most. Pinstrip is okay…but….there is something that bugs me about him; I can’t pinpoint it (ha). I like Alex too. Dr. Ben was fun. Honestly? I woulda picked him. He was sweet and smart and funny and that accent. EEEE Adena…no. I loath her so much. I liked the other girl WAY better. Booo. Gods, I hate Adena. She doesn’t really care about Kat. Not at all. She is SO selfish and SO rude. Ugh. SUPER UGH! I do not even have the words to express my dislike of this character. Kat deserves the sun darnit!
I wish I had a boss like Jacqueline. *green with jealousy*
Oooo what to say without spoilers?
This show is SO funny and SO heart-warming. It is also a show that tackles real, modern day issues like sexism, racism, bodyisms (not a word, but they go over all aspects of self-love), love, friendship, technology, politics, fashion, and becoming the best version of you. Such a good show. I highly recommend it if you like people stories. I’ll give this 5 stars.
Sounds fun! :D
^_^ You can find it on Hulu ;)
I'll have to keep an eye out for this one. Cheers
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