Title: Dark Web
Genre: Horror, Short Story
Pages: ebook
Published: May 30th 2019
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon freebie)
A student accidentally stumbles upon a weird news site on the dark web and discovers that it is far more insidious than it seems...
The cover caught my attention and then the title. Oooo the dark web. Plus...I was looking for a little horror and a quick read. I feel like I've been bored the last bit.
Okay - the story follows a student who loves the dark web. He is the techy sort. Well...he stumbles upon something dark and sinister that will shake the foundations of his small town.
First...you big dummy! The dark web is a terrible place! DO NOT VENTURE! Bad! *spray character with water bottle*
Second...what did you think was going to happen when you connected the dots and got the cops involved? Fool.
But yes, this was did have some creepiness. Sure it is a horror, but it does remind me of those creepy YouTube videos that have been haunting the site. Good stuff, but creepy. This was a small snipbit of a story that could really be something.
I hope there is more. A follow-up. Maybe a continuation. I would love to see this idea to expand and be scarier!
Overall, not a bad short story. If you like creepy, you'll enjoy this quick read. I want more! A nice intro to some creepy stuff for sure. I'll give this 3 stars.
Haha! Sounds like you got your stir up story. This sounds chilling and must have been really good for you to want the expanded version.
Omg do not go there man, do not go there!
Sophia. it was! I hope there is more in this world or a part 2.
B, insanity man...insanity
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