Tuesday, July 30

Blodeuedd's Tuesday Review: The Judas Blossom by Stephen Aryan

Series: The Nightingale and the Falcon (#1)

Format:419 pages, Paperback

Published: July 11, 2023 by Angry Robot

Historicalfiction fantasy/own

I cant remember if I thought this would be fantasy or if I knew it was historical fiction. He does take some liberties, and puts in some twists.

It is the story of the the Mongol conquest. When it starts they have destroyed the Persian Empire and moved on to their next target, all while the Mongol empire itself is starting to crumble.

The book follows Hulagu Khan, his son Temujin, Kokochin one of many wives, and Kaivon a Persian slave.

I once read that the Mongols killed so many that the carbon emissions from humans drastically lessened. And everyone is related to Djingis cos he raped his way across the world. They were truly evil invaders. They also do horrible things in this book, it is a bloody conquest.

So I was rooting for them all to die, haha.

The fantasy twist in it was interesting, I do want to know more about that aspect...I can not say more.

A good story, compelling. Bloody too

1260, Persia:

Due to the efforts of the great Genghis Khan, the Mongol Empire covers a vast portion of the known world. In the shadow of his grandfather, Hulagu Khan, ruler of the Ilkhanate, is determined to create a single empire that covers the entire world. His method? Violence.

His youngest son, Temujin Khan, struggles to find his place in his father’s bloody rule. After another failure, Temujin is given one last chance to prove himself to Hulagu, who is sure there is a great warrior buried deep inside. But there’s something else rippling under the surface… something far more powerful and dangerous than they could ever imagine…

Reduced to the position of one of Hulagu’s many wives, the famed Blue Princess Kokochin is the last of her tribe. Alone and forgotten in a foreign land, Kokochin is unwilling to spend her days seeking out trivial pursuits. Seeking purpose, she finds herself wandering down a path that grants her more power than a wife of the Khan may be allowed.

Kaivon, the Persian rebel who despises the Mongols for the massacre of his people, thirsts for revenge. However, he knows alone he cannot destroy the empire. When given the opportunity to train under the tutelage of Hulagu, Kaivon must put aside his feelings and risk his life for a chance to destroy the empire that aims to conquer the world.

Monday, July 29

Audiobook Review: The Lost Duke of Wyndham by Julia Quinn

Author: Julia Quinn
Narrator: Rosalyn Landor
Title: The Lost Duke of Wyndham
Series: Two Dukes of Wyndham #1
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: Audiobook
Published: May 1, 2008
Where I got It: Audible


Jack Audley has been a highwayman. A soldier. And he has always been a rogue. What he is not, and never wanted to be, is a peer of the realm, responsible for an ancient heritage and the livelihood of hundreds. But when he is recognized as the long-lost son of the House of Wyndham, his carefree life is over. And if his birth proves to be legitimate, then he will find himself with the one title he never wanted: Duke of Wyndham.

Grace Eversleigh has spent the last five years toiling as the companion to the dowager Duchess of Wyndham. It is a thankless job, with very little break from the routine... until Jack Audley lands in her life, all rakish smiles and debonair charm. He is not a man who takes no for an answer, and when she is in his arms, she's not a woman who wants to say no. But if he is the true duke, then he is the one man she can never have...

Can't help but adore Julia Quinn and her work. Always fun. 

Here we have Jack and Grace. Jack has been it all....a soldier, a highwayman, and always a rogue of the top order. However, when he is recognized as the long-lost son of the House of Wyndham, his carefree life is over. He is soon to become a Duke. Grace has spent the last five years as the companion to the dowager Duchess of Wyndham. It is a thankless job, but at least she is saved from a life she would've hated. Enter in Jack who is about to shake everything up. 

This was really cute and fun. Not a crazy amount of drama. Lots of talking and thinking and traveling. Which is always refreshing. Yes, yes, yes I love a good drama, but sometimes it's nice not having it. Sure, there is the whole drama of Jack and becoming the Duke. There is no doubt who his father is, but is he legitimate? Were his parents married before or after his birth? Jack has no idea so they have to travel to Ireland to check the church records. And there is the pesky contract of marriage. Amelia is suppose to marry the original Duke, Thomas, but with Jack coming in...that brings up some questions. 

Lots of fun. Lots of talking. Lots of kissing. Cute. 

The dowager made my head hurt. Yes, she is old and etc, but someone please YELL at her. Tell her to calm down. She was a menace and mean. 

I still don't fully understand HOW Jack became a highwayman. Yes, we get some explanation about his past later on, but I feel like it was glossed over. Maybe we are supposed to assume that after the war he ran off after his cousin died? I was very confused. I might've missed it...maybe...but yeah. I'm happy to assume but I would've liked to learn more about Jack. 

The narrator was perfection as per normal. Her voices are always great. Perfect for the story at hand. 

In the end, I really enjoyed this. More detail about Jack's past would've been nice, but all-in-all, I found this delightful. For sure fun. 4 stars from me. 


- Audiobook #32
-  Library Love #18

Sunday, July 28

DNF: It Was All the Cat's Fault by Elizabeth SaFleur

Author: Elizabeth SaFleur
Title: It Was All the Cat's Fault
Series: Meet Cute #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Format: ebook
Pages: 272
Published: April 5, 2022
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)

Eve can juggle work, school and a fixer-upper house just fine with a little help from YouTube. Well, she could, if her beloved cat, Thor, would stop getting into trouble—like getting stuck behind the walls. Thankfully, plumbers make house calls at ridiculous-o’clock in the morning.

Enter Brent who not only has all the power tools she needs, he looks like the God Thor. A mountain of muscle with movie-star hair, shining green eyes, and a perfectly scruffed, chiseled jaw. Just great. She doesn’t have time for all the lusty neediness rising where it should not be rising.

Eve reminds herself and her weakening knees that she’s a strong, independent woman determined to make it without anyone’s help. But as more renovation and cat-astrophes pile on, she finds her fingers doing the walking to call Brent to her rescue.

And she has to decide if keeping him at arm’s length fits her life plan, or if it’s the biggest miscalculation she’s ever made.
It doesn’t help Thor seems to be in cahoots with Brent when it comes to foisting romance on her.

An opposites attract, smoking hot, mayhem and madness, romantic comedy. Oh, and one very naughty Maine Coon cat.

Random find when looking for something cute on the Amazon. 

Even can juggle it all! Well....until if it wasn't for her cat. Thor decides to get stuck behind the walls. Thankfully, plumbers can make house calls. Enter in the plumber...Brent....who seems to have it all. Good looks, handy, and likes animals. There is lust but they don't have time for it. 

This is technically book 2, but I believe book 1 was about a different couple so no loss for me since IDK who they are. 

Now...this started off well enough but....I got to page 80 and I stopped caring. I can't tell you WHY, but it was a struggle reading 20 more pages. I got to 107 and decided I was doneso. Nothing majorly wrong that I can point at and be all, "Ah yes." I just....didn't care. I ended up only liking Thor. 

In the end....DNF for me. Maybe this can have a second chance one day. But not for meeeeee.

Friday, July 26

Book Review: The Duchess by Amanda Foreman

Author: Amanda Foreman
Title: The Duchess
Genre: Nonfiction, Biography
Format: Paperback
Pages: 456
Published: January 1, 1998
Where I Got It: My shelf (Used Book store)

Lady Georgiana Spencer was the great-great-great-great-aunt of Diana, Princess of Wales, and was nearly as famous in her day. In 1774 Georgiana achieved immediate celebrity by marrying William Cavendish, fifth duke of Devonshire, one of England’s richest and most influential aristocrats. She became the queen of fashionable society and founder of the most important political salon of her time. But Georgiana’s public success concealed an unhappy marriage, a gambling addiction, drinking, drug-taking, and rampant love affairs with the leading politicians of the day. With penetrating insight, Amanda Foreman reveals a fascinating woman whose struggle against her own weaknesses, whose great beauty and flamboyance, and whose determination to play a part in the affairs of the world make her a vibrant, astonishingly contemporary figure.

I picked this up an eon ago. Been meaning to read this but you know how life goes. When I originally picked this up I swore it was more like the movie, but it is a nonfiction. Once I got going I realized that it was an informational instead.

This is a biography book about Georgiana and her life. She was extremely popular and famous in her day. She married one of England's richest and most influential aristocrats. She became the queen of fashion and a staple of the ton. However, money and fame can only buy you so much. She had an unhappy marriage, gambling addiction, and a rampant lover affairs. 

Yess this was very informational and it was nice learning more about this beautiful lady. I loved the movie and I really wanted to read this. Even though it wasn't what I expected, I still enjoyed myself. Lots of details and snip bits from letters and etc that survived. 

But yes. This was a nice read. Refreshing in a way. We got to see some deep detail about a woman who is still remembered today. 

Now...I want to re-watch the movie ;) 

I'll give this 4 stars. 

ONE WORD SUMMARY: Informational

Tuesday, July 23

Book Review: No Earls Allowed by Shana Galen

Author: Shana Galen
Title: No Earls Allowed
Series: The Survivors #2
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: ebook
Pages: 386
Published: March 6, 2018
Where I Got It: Borrowed from library

It is a truth universally acknowledged
that a lady can do anything a man can do:
backwards and in high-heeled dancing slippers.

Lady Juliana, daughter of the Earl of St. Maur, needs all the help she can get. She's running a ramshackle orphanage, London's worst slumlord has illicit designs on her, and her father has suddenly become determined to marry her off.

Enter Major Neil Wraxall, bastard son of the Marquess of Kensington, sent to assist Lady Juliana in any way he can. Lucky for her, he's handy with repairs, knows how to keep her and the orphans safe, and is a natural leader of men.

Unfortunately for both of them, the scandal that ensues from their mutual attraction is going to lead them a merry dance...

Book 2!! Been excited to read more of this series. Especially Neil's story. 

Here we follow Neil and Juliana. Juliana is the daughter of an Earl and she needs all the help she can get when she is put in charge of a ramshackle orphanage. London's worst slumlord has illicit designs on her and her father wants to marry her off in a hurry. Enter in Neil. He is the bastard son of a Marquess and a war hero. He is sent in to assist Juliana with repairs and keeping the orphans safe. Once that is all done he is instructed to bring her home. Little does he know she is as stubborn as he is. 

This was adorable. The orphans are cute and I want to hug them all...even Billy who is struggling. 

Juliana was a bit too stubborn at times. Girl....accept the help rebuilding stuff and protection! There is literally a slumlord trying to take the boys AND you. Please shut up and accept the help!!! Loved her, but dang I wanted to shake her.  

However, Neil and Juliana find compromises and feelings so their silly fights stop and they can actually be productive. 

I did love the fact that Neil and Juliana are both virgins. Yes, I love a good rake buuuut it is sweet to see the occasional leading male be a virgin too. It is a rare gem. I loved the one scene when they are both learning together. Such a sweet scene. 

Ugh the baddie. Hated him. Terrible man. 

I loved Juliana's father. Yes, he is stubborn (huh must run in the family) but he really does love his girls.

My biggest issue was with the fact that Julia is still accepted by the ton even though she (a single lady) is alone and running an orphanage. Maybe if she was married or a super spinster? I don't buy it and it bugged me. 

All-in-all, I did enjoy this even with the one plot hole that bugged me. I loved our characters even though Julia was overly stubborn. It was all very sweet and fun. I'll give this 3 stars. 


-  Library Love #17

Monday, July 22

B's Monday Review: Murder at Haven's Rock by Kelley Armstrong

Series: Haven's Rock (#1)

Format: 368 pages, Paperback

Published: December 5, 2023 by Minotaur Books


I am always saying I will try one of her crime novels and I finally found one. Though to be honest I could have sworn I have seen her other series at the library and now nothing!

Anyway, dang, why did I not start this earlier? Now I need that previous series too because this was my sort of crime.

Wilderness, a mystery, people missing, bodies found. Strange people in the woods. A town being built as a refuge. Two detectives on the case.

I binged it, I binged it. Do I need to say more? Nope, binged! Case closed

Haven’s Rock, Yukon. Population: 0

Deep in the Yukon wilderness, a town is being built. A place for people to disappear, a fresh start from a life on the run. Haven’s Rock isn’t the first town of this kind, something detective Casey Duncan and her husband, Sheriff Eric Dalton, know first hand. They met in the original town of Rockton. But greed and deception led the couple to financing a new refuge for those in need. This time around, they get to decide which applicants are approved for residency.

There’s only one rule in Haven’s Rock: stay out of the forest. When two of the town's construction crew members break it and go missing, Casey and Eric are called in ahead of schedule to track them down. When a body is discovered, well hidden with evidence of foul play, Casey and Eric must find out what happened to the dead woman, and locate the still missing man. The woman stumbled upon something she wasn’t supposed to see, and the longer Casey and Eric don’t know what happened, the more danger everyone is in.

Saturday, July 20

Graphic Novel Review: Heartstopper, Volume 2

Author & Illustrator: Alice Osema

Title: Heartstopper
Series: Heartstopper Volume 2
Genre: Graphic Novel, LGBT, YA, Contemporary
Format: ebook
Pages: 320
Published: January 1, 2018
Where I Got It: Borrowed from library

Nick and Charlie are best friends. Nick knows Charlie's gay, and Charlie is sure that Nick isn't.

But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is discovering all kinds of things about his friends, his family ... and himself.

Awwww! I have to read more of these. The story and the art is so adorable!

We continue were we left off in V1. I guess a spoiler...but Nick and Charlie are best friends. We left off when they kissed and Nick took off. Charlie has been openly gay for a long time and Nick thought he knew himself...but after meeting Charlie...is there more to himself? 

BE WARNED! Some spoilers are ahead!!

I simply adore Charlie. He is so sweet and kind and really helped Nick. He didn't hold it against Nick for needing sometime to figure out himself. No pressure to make Nick come out. I really loved this. 

We get to see Nick try to figure out himself and his mates. He has some not nice friends (dang popular boys) to deal with. And telling his mom? He is scared. I loved how the scene with his mom was dealt with. It broke a tear to my eye. So sweet. I love his mom! I loved that WHOLE scene. 

The ending was simply adorable! I can't wait to read V3!!!

The art is adorable and fits the vibes very well. 

I'm loving this series so much. The characters are very sweet. We have a couple meanie weanies that Nick used to be slight friends with. Hopefully they can grow up. 

Giving this a 5 because I can and I will. 



-  Library Love #16

Friday, July 19

Book Review: The Silent Hours by Cesca Major

Author: Cesca Major
Title: The Silent Hours
Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
Published: June 4, 2015
Where I Got It: My shelf (Gift)

An epic, sweeping tale of love and loss inspired by heartrending true events in the Unoccupied Zone of wartime France.

The Silent Hours follows three people whose lives are bound together, before war tears them apart:

Adeline, a mute who takes refuge in a convent, haunted by memories of her past;

Sebastian, a young Jewish banker whose love for the beautiful Isabelle will change the course of his life dramatically;

Tristin, a nine-year-old boy, whose family moves from Paris to settle in a village that is seemingly untouched by war.

Beautifully wrought, utterly compelling and with a shocking true story at its core, The Silent Hours is an unforgettable portrayal of love and loss.

I honestly can't remember who gave this to me and for what holiday. *draws complete blank, eye twitches* I just remember I didn't buy it and it once belonged to someone. LOL. But this is right up my alley. WWII...love....sadness....yayy.

This story is inspired by a tragic moment in the war. We follow three people whose lives are bound together in ways we don't know. Adeline is a mute who takes refuge in a convent after the war. She is haunted and she can't speak a word. Sebastian is a young Jewish banker who is in love with Isabelle. Tristin is a child whose family moves out of Paris to settle in a little village that is seemingly untouched by war. 

This was sad. Extremely sad. I knew very little about this very real town. I had heard of it but never really knew the details. I waited until after the book was over to do some digging myself. 

This was a slow build-up. The stage is busy getting set to make you feel. I remember yelling at the book a few times in the last quarter of the book. I remember yelling, "NO NO!" Ugh! My heart. 

The main three POVs are Adeline, Tristin, and Sebastian. But we also get to see some of the letters Isabelle wrote to her brother and her brother's letters back. Near the end we got to see a glimpse of Paul (Isabelle's brother) and his POV. Very short but I'm glad we got to see a glimpse. 

Everyone and everything is tied together in some way. Some ties are not known until the very last page. SO heartbreaking. 

But yes. I really, really adored this book. I took my sweet time with it because it was slow to begin with, but you know eventually things will erupt and you'll miss when things were slow and okay(ish).  

If you love a good tragic story or WWII...I for sure recommend this book. I'll give it 5 stars. 


Tuesday, July 16

Book Review: A Timeless Masquerade by Audra Hershey

Author: Audra Hershey
Title: A Timeless Masquerade
Genre: Time Travel, Romance, Historical fiction
Format: ebook
Pages: 220
Published: June 1, 2024
Where I Got It: My shelf (Netgalley)

Burned by love, Mackenzie spurns romance. But when trapped in time amid the midnight masquerade, the modern woman finds herself drawn to a diabolic son of a duke!

When she stumbles on a priceless antique mask, Mackenzie is propelled through time into Regency England. Mistaken for someone else, she finds the enigmatic guest at Waverly Court intensely intriguing Рbut when he mistakes her for his fianc̩e, Mickie finds herself the target of his loathing.

Sebastien Ferrer Wellington is the illegitimate son of a famous Duke. He tolerates his position at the edge of Regency society…barely. One moment he despises his arranged engagement to a vapid flitterdigibbet of a fiancée, but the next he could swear she’s a different person – witty, wise, and ever so enticing.

Sebastien planned to humiliate his fiancée while taking what’s his, ruining her then breaking their engagement. But after doing the dastardly deed, he deeply desires to have her as his own.

Amid the twists of time, Sebastian's betrayal may cost Mickie everything....

I'm always up for a good time travel romance so of course I grabbed this!!

Mickie has been burned by love so she swears off of love! However, she finds herself thrown back in time amid the midnight masquerade. She is mistaken for Sebastien's fiancée and is the target of his loathing. Sebastien is the illegitimate son of a famous duke and he tolerates his position at the edge of society. He despises his arranged engagement but now....she seems different. He had planned to humiliate her but after doing the dastardly deed, he deeply desires to haver her as his own. 

Soooooooooooooooooo I wanted to like this so much, but damn Sebastien was a total asshat. I get it....his original fiancée was not great and vapid but man....he's not nice. 

I also really hated spending so much time on his dalliance with Caroline. UGH. I feel like we spent more time with them in bed then his "soul mate" Mickie. *rolls eyes* Meh. 

Poor Mickie...I cheered when she FINALLY stood up for herself near the end there. GOOD. Screw Sebastien and Caroline. They deserve each other. I'm made she caved so easily when he came begging (not a spoiler - you know he would). 

NOOOW the ending was very sweet and I adored the epilogue. That was the best part of the book. It was so nice seeing them ACTUALLY together and being in love and him not being an asshat. 

All-in-all, there are some parts I really liked like the epilogue. So sweet. However, Sebastien didn't deserve Mickie 95% of the book. The last tine chunk he had a complete turn-around....but dang it was hard to even like him. I'll give this 2 stars. 


Monday, July 15

Blodeuedd's Monday Review: Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood

Format: 354 pages, Paperback

Published: August 23, 2022 by Berkley Books

Contemporary romance/own

I am conflicted. It was good and all that. But it never managed to surprise me. It was the same story that I had already read in her other book. I saw the baddie coming a mile away. Like hello!

It was light and she hated with a passion and thought he did the same. I so did not get the whole, oh nope he did not. It would have kind of been better if he did.

See, I am only complaining. It´s just that people really like her books, and I really want to say it is amazing too, and not just good. Oh and to those people that says it is steamy, omg, LOL, it is not.

Pick the Love hypothesis instead, it has the same story, just better. I do not think I will read another stem romance since the concept seems to be the same in all of them

Like an avenging, purple-haired Jedi bringing balance to the mansplained universe, Bee Königswasser lives by a simple code: What would Marie Curie do? If NASA offered her the lead on a neuroengineering project--a literal dream come true after years scraping by on the crumbs of academia--Marie would accept without hesitation. Duh. But the mother of modern physics never had to co-lead with Levi Ward.

Sure, Levi is attractive in a tall, dark, and piercing-eyes kind of way. And sure, he caught her in his powerfully corded arms like a romance novel hero when she accidentally damseled in distress on her first day in the lab. But Levi made his feelings toward Bee very clear in grad school--archenemies work best employed in their own galaxies far, far away.

Now, her equipment is missing, the staff is ignoring her, and Bee finds her floundering career in somewhat of a pickle. Perhaps it's her occipital cortex playing tricks on her, but Bee could swear she can see Levi softening into an ally, backing her plays, seconding her ideas...devouring her with those eyes. And the possibilities have all her neurons firing. But when it comes time to actually make a move and put her heart on the line, there's only one question that matters: What will Bee Königswasser do?

Saturday, July 13

Audiobook Review: Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

Author: Fredrik Backman
Narrator: Marin Ireland
Title: Anxious People
Genre: Fiction, Contemporary, Mystery, Humor
Format: Audiobook
Published: April 25, 2019
Where I got It: Audible

Looking at real estate isn't usually a life-or-death situation, but an apartment open house becomes just that when a failed bank robber bursts in and takes a group of strangers hostage. The captives include a recently retired couple who relentlessly hunt down fixer-uppers to avoid the painful truth that they can't fix up their own marriage. There's a wealthy banker who has been too busy making money to care about anyone else and a young couple who are about to have their first child but can't seem to agree on anything, from where they want to live to how they met in the first place. Add to the mix an eighty-seven-year-old woman who has lived long enough not to be afraid of someone waving a gun in her face, a flustered but still-ready-to-make-a-deal real estate agent, and a mystery man who has locked himself in the apartment's only bathroom, and you've got the worst group of hostages in the world.

Each of them carries a lifetime of grievances, hurts, secrets, and passions that are ready to boil over. None of them is entirely who they appear to be. And all of them—the bank robber included—desperately crave some sort of rescue. As the authorities and the media surround the premises, these reluctant allies will reveal surprising truths about themselves and set in a motion a chain of events so unexpected that even they can hardly explain what happens next.

Humorous, compassionate, and wise, Anxious People is an ingeniously constructed story about the enduring power of friendship, forgiveness, and hope—the things that save us, even in the most anxious of times.

This was selected for book club and it was new to me. Sounds like something I would be entertained by so I was extra excited. 

Here we find ourselves with a huge cast of characters. These people are being held hostage by a bank robber is not at all good at being a bank robber. The captives include a recently retired couple who are avoiding their issues, a wealthy banker who is having regrets, a young couple about to become parents, an 87 year-old lonely lady, a nervous real estate agent, and a mystery man who locked himself in the bathroom. They all have a lifetime of grievances, hurts, secrets, anxiety, and wanting to be rescued from their lives. As the authorities and media surround the premises these allies will set in a motion a chain of events that can change all of their lives. 

This, just like it's characters, was everywhere. We get to learn about all of these characters and their ties. Even two of the main cops on the scene who are father and son.

There is sadness and humor here. Sometimes the humor was sprinkled on a BIT too much for the situation at hand, but it was nice having the humor because life is like that. There is humor even amongst the sadness. However.....there were times I felt awkward because it was a bit too much. 

Everyone here is an idiot, lovable, but an idiot. It was a bit much at times and YES I get why. 

I really, really enjoyed it even with the idiots and the over-sprinkled humor parts. So many amazing life lessons here. This is a people story overall and I really did enjoy it. I'm curious about the TV show. I'm sure I'll watch it now that enjoyed the book. 

Now, I did end up doing the audiobook. Originally I was going to read the ebook, but something made me click audio instead. The narrator was fantastic. Her array of voices was nice and it felt like the majority of everyone had their own voice. A couple sounded similar, but overall, wonderful performance. 

This is for sure a must-read if you like a good people story with a cast of characters. There is a lot of lessons and some humor mixed in. 

I'll stamp this with 4 stars. As I mentioned....sometimes the humor was a touch heavy in parts. 


- Audiobook #31

Thursday, July 11

Book Review: The Strawberry Hearts Diner by Carolyn Brown

Author: Carolyn Brown
Title: The Strawberry Hearts Diner
Genre: Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance
Format: ebook
Pages: 288 
Published: July 18, 2017
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)

Being broke, unemployed, and stranded back in the tiny town of Pick, Texas, was not part of Jancy Wilson's plan. Yet here she is, watching her car literally go up in smoke—along with her last-ditch hope of staying with her cousin in Louisiana. When Jancy spies a Help Wanted sign hanging in the window of the quaint Strawberry Hearts Diner, the memories of the two years she spent there as a teenager—and the lure of the diner's beloved strawberry tarts—are enough to draw her in and plant her feet—but only temporarily.

Raised by parents who refused to settle anywhere for long, Jancy has never known what it is to have roots. Now that Jancy's swept up by the warmth and character of this quirky little community—and by the pull of an old crush—it's beginning to feel like home. She's making friends and even discovering the sweetness of falling in love. But when the town is threatened, Jancy knows it will take more than its legendary tarts to save it. Can she fight for this little Texas town—knowing she might not stay forever?

Seen this cover and I had to have it for myself!

We follow four ladies. There is Jancy who is broke, unemployed, and stranded back in the tiny town of Pick, TX. She spies a Help Wanted sign hanging in the window of the Strawberry Hearts Diner that is owned by Nettie and Vicky. Emily is Vicky's daughter. Jancy is swept up by the warmth and character of this small town and is slowly falling in love and making friends but everything could be ruined when the town is threatened. 

This was very, very, very sweet. I needed a nice sweet story I think so it gave me the sweetness I needed. Friends, love, small town, small diner, and yummy treats? Yayy!

We get to see a few POVs so that was fun. I do feel like there were too many cooks in the kitchen at times. I think I would've just liked Jancy's and maybe one other. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy seeing all their relationships and feelings, but sometimes it felt like it was too much.

But yes. This was sweet and enjoyable. A nice summer read outside. Loved the small town and I would be at that diner all the time especially for the tarts!!!

The ending was nice and cute. 

I will say there are some slow moments. Sometimes I was just wanting it to pick up, but sometimes the slow moments were perfect. 

All-in-all, this was a nice tale of 4 ladies in a small town. Originally I was going to have this be a box on my Romance reading challenge, but I do not feel like the romance was heavy enough. Not upset about it, but it was more of a chick lit with friendship being the main thing here. I'll give this 3 stars. 


Wednesday, July 10

Movie Review: 1917 (2019)

Title: 1917
Length: 1 hr, 59 mins
Released: 2019
Genre:  Action, Drama, Historical
Rating: R
Where I Got It: Netflix

April 6th, 1917. As an infantry battalion assembles to wage war deep in enemy territory, two soldiers are assigned to race against time and deliver a message that will stop 1,600 men from walking straight into a deadly trap.

Another movie I've been wanting to watch for a while. Thank goodness for long flights ;) 

It is 1917 and war is raging on. Two soldiers are assigned to race against time and deliver a message to stop 1,600 men from walking straight into a deadly trap. They will have to go behind enemies lines to get there.

One of the main reasons I wanted to watch this is because WWI is highly overshadowed compared to WWII. It is rare we get a WWI movie, plus....that trailer? How could you not need to know what happens?

I hate to use this word....but this movie was beautifully done. Yes, it is war and dark and filled with death. But they did a great job. 

Honestly...I was speechless when I finished this movie. It was so good. The acting was amazing. The tension had me on the edge of my seat. 

The scene in the woods gave me chills. 

All-in-all, this was great. I want to watch it again NOT on a plane. This time on my TV screen that is bigger. Great cast, great music, great story...great everything. Def 5 out 5 from me.