Saturday, June 15

Audiobook Review: Pride & Sensuality by PO Dixon

Pride and Sensuality: A Darcy and Elizabeth Short Story
Author: P.O. Dixon
Narrator: Pearl Hewitt
Title: Pride and Sensuality (Darcy and Elizabeth Short Stories)
Genre: Historical Romance, PP variation, & Short story
Pages: Audiobook
Published:  March 27th 2014
Where I Got It: My shelf (Audible)

With his mind agreeably engaged on the pleasures that await him once he and his dearest, loveliest Elizabeth are man and wife, Darcy's patience wanes, and he begins to wonder if he will ever find time alone with his betrothed.

Elizabeth is not oblivious of the discomfort Darcy must surely suffer. Not only does she have the key to his heart; she knows how to use it.

A random find on Audible. I was feeling a short story and I think I needed a little Darcy/Elizabeth in my life. 

The story follows Elizabeth and Darcy after Elizabeth said 'yes' to the propose. It is a few days before the wedding and they are in a lot of love and lust. 

This was sweet and short and gave me the Elizabeth/Darcy fix I needed. They are adorable and I loved the interactions not only between them but between all the siblings. It was cute. 

Now - I was a little thrown off with the title. There really was no smexy time. It was nice to just see them kissing and talking and Darcy introducing Elizabeth to new things like cocoa. There was a lot of lust, but they are creatures of their time so I can see them waiting for their marriage but doing other things instead. 

Read one by the author a while back and I remember it being meh, but I like the writing style. Glad I gave this one a try! It made me more curious about the author.

I do wish it was longer. It ended at an awkward moment story-wise.

The narrator was perfect for an Austen-y story. I want to listen more by her. 

In the end, I liked this. Short and sweet. I wanted more at the end there. I'll give this 3 stars. For sure worth it if you need some Austen-y type stories in your life. 


Sophia Rose said...

I've read a few of hers and they are engaging. But, yeah, a few meh ones. Glad this one hit the spot. :)

Carole Rae said...

She is half and half for me so far! :)

Blodeuedd said...

From that i did expect smex

Carole Rae said...

Me too!!

Carole said...

I haven't tried any of this genre... Cheers