Sunday, July 31

Sunday Ketchup

~'Sunday Ketchup' was inspired by The Muse in the Fog's 'Suddenly Sunday' postings. However, mine are going to be a little bit different. Also when I went to spell 'Catchup' I accidentally spelled it wrong and put 'Ketchup'. I thought it was cute, so I kept it. Also, I'm addicted to ketchup! I want one of those ketchup shirts that says "I <3 Ketchup". Wouldn't that be cute? Every week, or whenever I remember, I'm going to post events that happened this past week, things coming up next week, updates, and news. You can join in and post your own 'Sunday Ketchup' postings, just make sure to mention me...if you want ^.^ ~

Happy Sunday everyone! How was your week? Mine was decent. Not too much, but I got to hang out with my friends a lot. I also have gotten a lot of reading done. ^.^ Well, let's begin with the recap.

Past Week Posts:

What Came in the Mail/Store:
Well, I'm still waiting for the book I won. How long must I wait!? Poop. But I did get a couple books. 

-Daughters of Rome by Kate Quinn, which came in the mail. 

-Mystic Warrior by Janet Chapman, I bought it at Wal-Mart. I couldn't help it. Isn't the guy on the cover gorgeous? And the plot didn't seem so bad it's self. 

What's Going to Be Posted This Week?:
I should have 'The Red Queen' done sometime this week, so expect that review. Um, just the usual stuff and the announcement for the next Movie of the Week should also be posted sometime. I'll also try and remember to participate in Blog Hop and/or Top Ten Tuesday.

Anything New For the Blog?:
I might be making a FB and/or a Twitter account solely for the blog. I'm still debating with myself. Other than that, nothing at the moment.

Tim Horton News:
The Blueberry Festival is Friday and Saturday, so we are going to be super busy. *sighs*

Anything Else:
I might be having a giveaway sometime in the near future. Mayyyyybbbeeee. We shall see.

That's about it! It's been a slightly eventful week, eh? 


Saturday, July 30

Randomness Makes the World Go Round

I'm bored today, so I decided to be random and post a post that's filled with...well...randomness. ^.^ Like the title says "randomness makes the World Go Round". You can debate me all you want science people, but I will always think that RANDOMNESS makes the world go round and round. So Ha!

First I would like to post a little list of things that happened in History today (because I'm a history nerd).

July 30th 0579  Benedict I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
July 30th 0657  St Vitalian begins his reign as Catholic Pope succeeding Eugene I
July 30th 1178  Frederick I (Barbarossa), Holy Roman Emperor, crowned King of Burgundy
July 30th 1419  Anti-Catholic Hussites, followers of executed reformer Jan Hus, stormtown hall in Prague & throw Catholic councillors out the windows
July 30th 1537  Resistant of Bomy: French/Dutch cease fire
July 30th 1601  Spanish garrison of Rhine birch surrenders to Earl Mauritius
July 30th 1618  Prince Maurits' troops pull into Utrecht
July 30th 1619  House of Burgesses Virginia forms, 1st elective US governing body
July 30th 1626  Earthquake hits Naples; 10,000 die
July 30th 1646  English parliament sets king Charles I Newcastle Propositions

(This list was from the lovely site

Here's a video by the always funny Wong Fu Production teams called 'Hot Lava'. You can check out their cute website store, Wong Fu Store.

Here's an anime version of me, Sarah, and Anee that a friend made for me. I think I would be a cute anime character! Don't you think so? =) I use to be able to draw anime when I was a youngster. Maybe I should get back into anime. Maybe someday I'll make my own anime series along with my future novel I want to write. So many little time. What dreams do you have?

Me with my orange headphones that I always seem to have on. Just add freckles and it's complete. ^.^ 

Anee being all sassy.

Well, she's a brunettes now, because I dyed her hair. It's like dark brown with blonde bangs. It's pretty awesome.

Here's a picture of me and her with her new hair:

~I'm planning on getting a new haircut soon, but I can't decide what I want...any ideas?
~What dreams would you kill to live out?
~Any good book series I should check (any genre)?
~Should my blog have it's own Twitter and/or Facebook account?
~How's your summer so far?
~If you could live anywhere in the world (or outerspace) where would you live?
~What's your favorite song of the moment?
~Was this post random?

Ahh, I got all that randomness off my chest. I hope you enjoyed today's random post! Tune in next time when I have a random attack. :3


Thursday, July 28

Book Review: Princess of the Midnight Ball

Author: Jessica Day George
Title: Princess of the Midnight Ball
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Fairytale
Pages: 288
First Published: 2008
Where I Got It: Library

"A tale of twelve princesses doomed to dance until dawn… Galen is a young soldier returning from war; Rose is one of twelve princesses condemned to dance each night for the King Under Stone. Together Galen and Rose will search for a way to break the curse that forces the princesses to dance at the midnight balls. All they need is one invisibility cloak, a black wool chain knit with enchanted silver needles, and that most critical ingredient of all—true love—to conquer their foes in the dark halls below. But malevolent forces are working against them above ground as well, and as cruel as the King Under Stone has seemed, his wrath is mere irritation compared to the evil that awaits Galen and Rose in the brighter world above.
Captivating from start to finish, Jessica Day George’s take on the Grimms’ tale The Twelve Dancing Princesses demonstrates yet again her mastery at spinning something entirely fresh out of a story you thought you knew..."

Over the last couple months I've read a handful of reviews talking about this book. After reading each one my desire to read this novel increased. Not only did the cover spark an interest, but just the story itself. I love when an author takes an old story and buffers it a little bit. It had been many years since I read the original tale of The Twelve Dancing Princesses, so I was interested to read this.

It didn't take me long to read this one, because it was small and addicting. Even though the Prologue takes a lot of the suspense away there is more suspense scattered around. I was highly addicted to this! Even at work I thought of this and couldn't wait to get home to read. I loved how Jessica Day George wove the story together. I loved all the characters in their own right. The way she pieced the story together was mindblowing! 

I especially loved how she had the hero, Galen, be a knitter/ex-solider/gardener. Yes! He could knit! How many manly men do you know that can knit and keep plants alive? I haven't known one! I wished he was real. In many ways he's the typical hero, but many other ways he's not. Galen is an example of how complex the story was. I love complex books, it even left me guessing how it would end! I love being stumped! However, I'll complain and whine when I'm reading, because I get frustrated and irritated that the author is stumping me. It had been so long since reading the original, that I couldn't remember how it ended. I did know that it would be a happy ending, because every fairy-tale ends with a happy ending. 

Jessica Day George did a fantastic job at retelling an old story. I believe that this book hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. Maybe it's just me, but I really adored this book. I guess I have officially join the club of those who love this book! To be true to my nature, however, I must point out what I didn't like of the book. I hated the Prologue. That's it. That was the only thing I couldn't stand. I usually enjoy the Prologues, but I broke my own rule and read and I was ticked off, because it ruined a small bit of the book for me. My advice, if you're going to read this, DO NOT read the Prologue. Avoid it like the plague! 

All-in-all, this book was cute and amazing. I loved every moment of it, well....except for the prologue part. The characters had depth and the story had more depth than the original. Reading this makes me want to read more books by Jessica Day George. I plan to visit her other books in the future. I recommend that anyone who wants to read a cute little book for the summer or those who love fairy-tales to check this book out. Well, I grant this book 5 stars out of 5. ^.^

*Favorite Character(s): Galen and Lily
*Not-so Favorite Character(s): Queen Maude and King Under Stone


Wednesday, July 27

Late Movie Review: Taming of the Shrew

~*Ahhh, I totally forgot to type this up and post it yesterday. Sorry. I'm a bad kid. =) Anyways....*~

Length: 127 mins
Released: 1980 (on TV in UK)
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Classic
Rating: not rated
Directed By: Jonathon Miller
Where I Got It: Borrowed it from Library

Taming of the Shrew is based off the play William Shakespeare wrote. You can find my review of the play HERE. It starts off with Lucentio and Tranio conversing in streets until Kate, Bianca, their dad (Minola), and suitors bust onto the scene. The suitors are all trying to convince Minola that they love Bianca more and they want to marry her. However, Minola gives the conditions on when Bianca can marry: when Kate, the shrew, gets married first. Not surprisingly Kate freaks out and after some tongue-lashings she leaves. The suitors of course are angry because who would want to marry Kate the Shrew? Lucky for them a fortune seeker arrives on the scene and that would be none other than the "charming" Petruchio.

This TV special stars John Cleese (Monty Python movies/show, Shrek 2, Harry Potter movies) who plays the witty Petruchio, Simon Chandler (The King's Speech, Vera Drake, Milk)  as the lovestruck Lucentio, and Sarah Badel (The Winter's Tale, Fingersmith) as the shrewish  Kate.

It was very similar to book/play. It was an odd cast to throw together, but it worked. I was a little worried that John Cleese was the star in this adaptation, because he's not known for these type of movies/shows. And I haven't seen many actors successfully try their hand at something different. They usually fall flat on their face and it's really embarrassing and I hurt for them. HOWEVER, John Cleese did a wonderful job in this! Lucky for him this play was a comedy, so it wasn't a big change.

I liked this movie or whatever it was. It wasn't as funny as the book, but I did enjoy it. They kept really close to the play and I really respected that, because with some stories you have to. I was a little upset because they did cut out some really funny bits, but what can you expect? I know that they have to cut things out, but sometimes I felt like they cut out the wrong scene. There were some boring parts that didn't need to be in there. That's my personal opinion though.

All-in-all, the actors did a fine job, especially John Cleese. I was worried about him falling flat on his face, but he held his own and he stole the show. He really did. I'm glad Jonathon Miller took that risk, because I don't think I would have like this movie (or TV thingy) if it hadn't been John Cleese ^.^. I'm not saying I didn't like the others in this, but John Cleese made the movie/TV special. Out of five stars, I'll give this one 4 stars. 

*Favorite Character(s): Kate and Petruchio
*Not-so Favorite Character(s): Hortensio

Childhood Wednesday Part V

~Instead of posting Wildcard Wednesday posts I want to try a new series of postings. Don't worry Wildcard Wednesday won't be gone forever, but I want to try this. Lately I've been thinking a lot about my childhood. My childhood was far from perfect, but without what I experienced I would not be the person I am today. That's the same with all of us. Without our experiences as kids, we wouldn't be who we are today.

With this new posting series, I want to explore what highly influenced me as a kid. I sort of base this from 'Top Ten Tuesday' and the '30 Day Picture Challenge' from Facebook~

Wednesday is back again and we all know what that means a lot of things, BUT it means 1) the week is halfway done and 2)it's time for Childhood Wednesday! ^.^ 

This week I will be sharing my top 5 list of bands/artists that I adored when I was a youngster. Even as a child I had a deep love for music. My love for music had me join Band as a clarinet player and join Choir as a alto. I'll admit it....I wasn't great at either. I don't have the talent to sing or play instruments as well as others, but that hasn't diminished my love for music itself. 

Let's start with number 5...with Britney Spears. Yeah, I was one of those little girls who would have died to be her. Haha. What can you do?

#4 is....Usher. I simply had adored him and his music. He was fantastic and I could never get enough. I still like this guy.

#3 is....*NSync. C'mon. Do I really have to explain why I loved these guys as a kid? They were the 1990s version of Justin Bieber. However, when everyone was fainting at the sight of Justin Timberlake, I was swooning for Joey Fatone and JC Chasez. ^.^ Aguilera! It was stiff competition between the top 2. I wanted so badly as a kid to be Christina Aguilera. She was my role-model as a little human and I still love her now. ^.^

#1 is.....Backstreet Boys! I use to be in love with them and their music. One of my secret wishes is that they were still a band today because I would totally blast Backstreet Boy music from my car. Just to prove how much I loved them I searched through my collection of pictures in my picture box to find a certain picture of me with my Backstreet Boy shirt. If my mom had let me, I would've worn that shirt EVERY day.

My first day wearing this shirt. Look at how excited I was.

I hoped you enjoyed today's posting. Which bands/singers did you love when you were a youngster? Tune in next week for Part 6! If you missed last week's posting click HERE to check it out. 


Monday, July 25

Music Monday!!

Hello Monday. The picture above was sent to me by a friend many eons ago when I had bangs and nearly black hair they said I looked like this chica. Haha It's cute though, so I decided to use it as today's picture. Do you like it?

Happy Monday everyone. I have a feeling that this week is going to be a little on the crappy side, I don't know why, but I just have a feeling. I hope I'm wrong. Well. Let's begin with the music, shall we? ^.^

This first one is another remake by Boyce Avenue (I'm beginning to reaaaaaaaally like these guys). This remake is from Adele's song Rolling in the Deep.

The next song is Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy. Even though I just started 'Princess of the Midnight Ball' by Jessica Day George yesterday, I've gotten pretty far. I can hardly put this book down. Well, this song continues to play in my head when reading or thinking about that book. If you read 'Princess of the Midnight Ball' you would probably understand WHY this song endlessly plays in my head. 

This song has officially become my favorite song at the moment. =) I'm so glad my friend sent the link to this song, because I'm absolutely in love with it! The song is a remake of Teenage Dream by Katy Perry from Boyce Avenue. I already shared the original video, so I searched around for a video featuring this song and here's what I found. It's a video made by xAllAboutHistoryx. It's a collage of some wonder historical movies/shows and the couples in them. It's unique. I'll post a list of the movies after the video:

The Sissi movies (Haven't Seen it)
Titanic (Love it)
North and South (Never seen it, but heard it's really good)
David Starkey Documentary about the Regents of England (Never seen it)
Kingdom of Heaven (Seen it, but it's been a while)
The Tudors:Katherine and Thomas (Love this show)
Jefferson in Paris (Never heard of it)
The Vampire Diaries (Haven't seen it)
Lord of the Rings (LOVE it, of course)
The Other Boleyn Girl (Ugh)
Elizabeth (:D Love this movie)
The Tudors: Henry and Anne (One of my favorites)
The Notebook (Amazing movie and book)
Merlin 1998 (Haven't seen it yet)
Cleopatra 1999 (Seen bits and pieces
The Tudors:George and Mark Smeaton (Hate it...just kidding, of course I love this show)
The Vampire Diaries: Katherine/Stefan (I want to see it)
Marie Antoinette (Classic.)
The Tudors: Mary Tudor and Phillip (^.^)
Legend of the Seeker (Nope, haven't seen it)
The Return of the Mummy: Imhotep and Anck Su Namun (Great movie!) 
Pride and Prejudice (fantastic movie and book)
The Young Victoria (seen bits and pieces on TV)
The Great Queen Seon Deokpart (Wants to see)
Rome (Haven't seen)
Frida (Never seen)

And here's a funny video about how Lord of the Rings should have ended created by HISHEdotcom:

I hope you enjoyed this week's selections!


Sunday, July 24

Sunday Ketchup

~'Sunday Ketchup' was inspired by The Muse in the Fog's 'Suddenly Sunday' postings. However, mine are going to be a little bit different. Also when I went to spell 'Catchup' I accidentally spelled it wrong and put 'Ketchup'. I thought it was cute, so I kept it. Also, I'm addicted to ketchup! I want one of those ketchup shirts that says "I <3 Ketchup". Wouldn't that be cute? Every week, or whenever I remember, I'm going to post events that happened this past week, things coming up next week, updates, and news. You can join in and post your own 'Sunday Ketchup' postings, just make sure to mention me...if you want ^.^ ~

Happy Sunday everyone! The new week is nearly here. How was your week everybody? Mine's been okay. There's been some interesting drama brewing which is really immature, but intriguing in some odd way. Oh well. I also went to my cousin's baby shower today, which was fun. ^.^ Other than that it's been oddly boring. That's life I guess. 

Past Week Posts:

What Came in the Mail/Store?:
I'm still waiting for that book I won. Grrr. But I did receive my very own copy of 'Lily of the Nile' by Stephanie Dray.

Anything New for the Blog?:
Umm, nothing really. Probably a couple little edits and changes, but nothing major. Oh! But I have been wondering....should I make a Twitter account for the blog and make a separate Facebook account just for this blog? Should I?

What's Going to be Posted This Week?:
The usual stuff. Depending on time, I may or may not be able to post 'Music Monday'. I hope I get to post more this week, because I kind of feel bad that I didn't post much last week.

Tim Hortons News:
Nothing special. I should be going to afternoons soon. ^.^ Yayy!

Anything Else?:
Nope. Nothing I know. 

Well I hope the week coming up is going to be awesome. 


Friday, July 22

Book Review: Kushiel's Dart

Author:  Jacqueline Carey
Title: Kushiel's Dart (Kushiel Legacy #1 )
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Adventure
Pages: 701
First Published:  2001
Where I Got It: Library

"The land of Terre d'Ange is a place of unsurpassing beauty and grace. It is said that angels found the land and saw it was good....and the ensuing race that rose from the seed of angels and men live by one simple rule:Love as thou wilt. Phèdre nó Delaunay is a young woman who was born with a scarlet mote in her left eye. Sold into indentured servitude as a child, her bond is purchased by Anafiel Delaunay, a nobleman with very a special mission....and the first one to recognize who and what she is: one pricked by Kushiel's dart, chosen to forever experience pain and pleasure as one.

Phèdre is trained equally in the courtly arts and the talents of the bedchamber, but, above all, the ability to observe, remember, and analyze. Almost as talented a spy as she is courtesan, Phèdre stumbles upon a plot that threatens the very foundations of her homeland. Treachery sets her on her path; love and honor goad her further. And in the doing, it will take her to the edge of despair....and beyond.

Hateful friend, loving enemy, beloved assassin; they can all wear the same glittering mask in this world, and Phèdre will get but one chance to save all that she holds dear. Set in a world of cunning poets, deadly courtiers, heroic traitors, and a truly Machiavellian villainess, this is a novel of grandeur, luxuriance, sacrifice, betrayal, and deeply laid conspiracies. Not since Dune has there been an epic on the scale of Kushiel's Dart, a massive tale about the violent death of an old age, and the birth of a new."

THERE ARE A LOT OF LITTLE SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW! Don't worry I high-lightened the big spoilers that would endanger giving major events away.

Let's just point out the obvious first.....IT WAS A LARGE BOOK. I'm use to reading large books, but this one seemed like it would never end. Especially the last couple of chapters, but at the end of every chapter it seemed like it was done, but it kept going. Going and going. I thought I was stuck in this world and couldn't get out. It took me forever to read and finish. I'll admit it....I did skim part of the book. Okay, now that I got that off my chest I'll continue with my review. 

Alright...I really like the world that Jacqueline Carey created. It's based off of Europe. I love how she did try to help you enter the world and understand who was who and why countries were they way they were. She even touched base of all the religions and how the blended into the makings of each country. I loved when an author creates an entire world out of their own imagination and tries to make you understand. Just like JRR Tolkein did. HOWEVER don't get excited, this book is nothing like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Absolutely not. No. Not at all. 

This book is about intrigue, political upheaval, spies, and sex. The main character was pretty much tossed to the side by her parents to a prostitution house who raised her up (it's much more complex) and then when she becomes of age they sell her to Anafiel Delaunay who would raise her and this kid Alcuin to be spies/spies who uses sex to get information from patrons. 

At first I was really into the book, but then it started to get a little odd...because Phedre (the main character) has a speck of red in her eye so that makes her the chosen to love being tortured and beat up in the bedchamber. I mean they that pretty clear, but it started getting odd because for a million pages they went into a lot of detail of her and patrons. And even after she was done being in the service of Anafiel ~BIG SPOILER~ because someone killed him and Alcuin~END OF BIG SPOILER~ There was also a lot of sex flying around. I don't know, but half the time the sex scenes had really nothing to do with the plot. Plus, like I've previously stated, I don't like my books to be 80% sex related scenes. Especially when it's torture based sex. This was the biggest issue I had with this book. The size was number 1 though.

Other than that, I did enjoy the book. It was different. It was a breath of fresh air. A change in my reading list. I mean I do enjoy Science Fiction novels, but this was an odd one for to pick up.  I loved the intrigue and the whole new world that was presented for me to enter and analyze. I loved the idea behind this book. I will try and read the second book in this series, because I actually bought it before I had known it was a series (*sighs). Perhaps I'll enjoy the second book better.

All-in-all, I thought this book was okay. It wasn't amazing like I had hoped it would be. It does have some redeeming qualities to it. I'll be honest and I don't recommend this book unless you love Science Fiction and BDSM. Well, out of five stars I grant this one 2 stars. In all reality it was a 1.6, but I rounded up. I'm sorry Jacqueline Carey. =( 

Favorite Character(s):  Hyacinthe
Not-so-Favorite Character(s): Melisande 



Wednesday, July 20

Childhood Wednesday Part IV

~Instead of posting Wildcard Wednesday posts I want to try a new series of postings. Don't worry Wildcard Wednesday won't be gone forever, but I want to try this. Lately I've been thinking a lot about my childhood. My childhood was far from perfect, but without what I experienced I would not be the person I am today. That's the same with all of us. Without our experiences as kids, we wouldn't be who we are today.

With this new posting series, I want to explore what highly influenced me as a kid. I sort of base this from 'Top Ten Tuesday' and the '30 Day Picture Challenge' from Facebook~

Happy Wednesday everyone! Its bound to be another hot day today. Even hotter than yesterday, it's going to be in the triple digits so says the weather man. How's the weather in your area?  To check out last week's post click HERE

Last week's posting of 'Childhood Wednesday' and those who commented on that post (aka, Blodeuedd and Allison) has inspired this week's idea. What about the crushes on non-Disney characters? There's many that I had when I was a youngster, I still have a little crush on all of them now. It's pretty sad to have a crush on a fictional character, because they're not real. *sighs* If only they were. Haha. Well, since there are so many to pick on I'm going to give a top 12 list. It was going to be just 10, but there are a couple I just HAD to put on the list. Enjoooooooy:

Starting at #12 is....James from Pokemon! He's a little bit wimpy for me taste. But he's funny and just so darn adorable! I guess even as a youngster I had crushes on the 'bad boys', because he was technically a bad guy. Not a scary bad guy, just really annoying sometimes ^.^ You can't help but love this guy. I was also jealous that Jesse got to spend so much time with him. Oh well.

At #11 is.......Carlton Banks from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Yet another wimpy type of guy. I liked Will too, but Carlton stole my little 1990s heart. He was just so short, funny, and he could bust a move! 

At #10 is the always cute......Ash Ketchum from Pokemon! And why not? He's just so cute and tries to act tough. He has a heart of gold and no matter how many Pokemon he catches he never lets it get to his head. He was always to determined to be the best he could be. He always inspired me to be the best version I could be of me. He's also so funny and just so adorably cute. There's not much else I could say.

Next is #9 which is.....Goku from Dragonball and Dragonball Z. I mean seriously...he was such a great guy! He's super nice, funny, strong, kind-hearted, and cute! I know I've used that last word a lot, but I can't help it. For a cartoon character Goku was a good looking fellow, as my Grandma would say. He was just so innocent sometimes and I love his confused face. Plus he saved the world! He would've been lower on the list, but he did abandon his family a lot, so he wasn't the most reliable guy around. 
Little kid Goku from Dragonball

#8 is next with....James Pease from the book 'My Name is America: The Journal of James Edmound Pease'.  This was a little spoiler in Part II of Childhood Wednesday. Like I said it was hard the first time to read through it, but after my second attempt at reading it I fell in love...with the book and with James. I just felt so bad for him because of how no one really loved him. But he did get some friends during the war. I just wanted to hug him and save him from the horrors of war. Yes, he joined in the American Civil War at the age of 16. I wish they would make this a movie, like they have done with some of the more popular 'Dear America' and 'My Name is America' books. When I was reading the book I always envisioned Gregory Smith as him (he played Thomas in 'The Patriot') 

Gregory Smith, isn't he a cutie?

#7 is.....Ares from the show 'Xena: The Warrior Princess'. Just look at him. He's such a hottie. He wasn't really a nice guy, because he was the god of War for goodness sake. However, he had his moments of niceness though. He was just a badass that you couldn't help 'oo' and 'awe' at. I cried when I found out the actor who played him died at such a young age. It was such a tragic death too. I still have a big crush on Ares.

At #6 is....Dimitri from 'Anastasia'. At the beginning I thought he was a total scum bag, because he was just a con-artist and a jerk. However, as the movie went along he turned out to be a hero and a sweetheart. I loved how grumpy he got, but in the end he was the nicest guy. I loved also how good-looking he was. When I was little I went to bank with my mom and this Russian dude looked just like him! I'm glad I was a shy child, because I probably would've attacked him and claimed him as mine. I wonder if I'll ever meet that guy again...he might be old now, so forget it. haha.

Next is #5 which is....Jesse from Full House. I believe everyone who watched this show had some sort of crush on Jessie. I mean look at him! Even today the guy who played him is extremely hot! Even though Jessie was a lady's man and was kind of a man-whore, I loved him. He had a heart of gold under everything. As each episode rolled on, you could see it more and more. I even loved his little obsession with Elvis Presley. In the end, he was the perfect guy for any girl. 

At #4 is....Tuexdo Mask/Prince Darien/Darien from Sailor Moon! Lets be honest, anyone who has seen the show as had some sort of crush on this guy. Either as just Darien or Tuxedo Mask or just Prince Darien. He's just a sweet, funny guy. I love him. Even though he picked on Serena a lot in High School, he still had a heart of gold. Also, he's pretty hot for a cartoon character. 

Tuxedo Mask
Prince Darien
High School Darien

#3 is....Vegeta from Dragonball Z. Okay, the top 3 is very close. It could have gone any other way. I decided to put Vegeta as 3, because I don't think he likes to cuddle. I'm a cuddler, I'll admit it. He would probably secretly like to cuddle, but he always has to keep up his badass, tough guy act. Even though he is secretly a softy. That's why I love him though, because he's a tough guy and doesn't care what anyone thinks. Also, I loved how proudful he was. He knew he was best and didn't care what anyone else though. He did have anger problems, but can you blame him? His own father, King Vegeta, pretty much sold him off as a slave to save the planet (what good that did). Plus, I do think, he's more reliable as a husband then Goku. He's never really abandoned Bulma unless it was against his will. Plus, he's a hottie too, so that helps his case. I still have a little crush on him.

At the #2, the ultimate baddy who went good...Spike from the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Yes, even though Veggie from DBZ was a baddy who went good, Spike made it look like good. I love how witty he was and how he was secretly a softy. I loved him more than Angel, who was never there for Buffy. Spike always was, even though Buffy was "in love" with Angel. Granted, Spike was a man-whore, so it would be hard to trust him. However, he was a hottie who had a heart under all his "evilness". I still have a tiny crush on him.

Last, but defiantly not least, is #1 which is......Trunks/Future Trunks. Nice guys do finish last, but in the best way! How could you not love Trunks or Future Trunks? Granted, he is Vegeta's son, so he does have an attitude problem sometimes, but hey whatever. He is one of the nicest guys; especially Future Trunks! He's also really smart, witty, nice, kind, loving, and strong! Trunks could defiantly kick some major butt! I love this guy, I wish he was real. Purple hair and all. Isn't a little funny I started this list with a guy with purple hair and ended this list with Trunks who has purple hair? Okay...I'll admit it...I still love this guy. Love you Trunks. ^.^

Little Trunks

Future Trunks

I hoped you enjoyed this rather large list. I didn't have the heart to cut it down anymore then I did. What's your top 12? I hope you enjoyed today's posting! Make sure to check out next week's Childhood Wednesday posting.
