Book Club Books

Current Book Club: 
Name - Bitches With Books Book Club
Members - Carole (me), Sarah, & Terra
Established - 2021 (maybe the end of 2020?)
Rules - No real rules. It's pretty lax which I LOVE. 

We try to meet once a month depending on our schedules. We each take a turn picking a book we never read before. After we each had a turn, we all then pick a book (usually a re-read we want the others to read) and have three books for that meeting.

Next book:
My pick - Bombshell by Sarah MacLean

Previous reads and who picked it (there are some that might be missing from before we started our group message and our journal/diary**):

Carole's picks

Sarah's picks

Terra's picks

**We are currently using this diary/journal! It is really nefty. It allows you to monitor what books you are reading, your thoughts, ratings, where you had your meeting, and etc.

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