Thursday, June 20

Blog All About It: RISK

This month's prompt is:  RISK

Oooooo risks. I am not one for a risk. I plan and plan and research and research. Risks are not for me. I am a worrier for sure. 

Sooooooo for this month I'm going to share some books with RISK in the title. 

At Risk

     Acceptable Risk

The Risk Pool Risk

Run the Risk (Love Undercover, #1)  Worth the Risk (Take a Risk, #1)

The Risk Agent (Risk Agent, #1)The Lady Risks All

A Calculated RiskSwoon at Your Own Risk


Sophia Rose said...

I think I'll eventually be reading the Dannika Dark one since I have the boxed set.

Ahhh, Swoon at Your Own Risk sounds cute.

I'm not a risky type, either. :)

Fun list, Carole!

Blodeuedd said...

I am not one for risk either

Anachronist said...

I don't like risk either... oh wait. I can't agree with you all, can I? Still risk and I are immiscible.

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, if it is any good I'll check it out ;) And thank you!

B, risks are too risky.

Ana, hahahaha we are smart! Risks are too risky.