Thursday, July 25

Audiobook Review: Miss Darcy Decides by Reina M Williams

Miss Darcy Decides (Love at Pemberley, #2)
Author: Reina M. Williams 
Narrator: Kate Sample
Title: Miss Darcy Decides
(Love at Pemberley #2)
Genre: Romance, Historical Romance, Short Story, Novella, PP variation
Pages: Audiobook
Published:  January 22nd 2014
Where I Got It: My shelf (Audible)

While visiting a young woman—who was not so fortunate as Miss Georgiana Darcy in escaping the persuasions of a rogue—Georgiana meets Sir Camden Sutton, whose reputation causes Georgiana to wonder as to his motives. Her wondering soon turns to a different feeling when Sir Camden comes to stay at Pemberley, showing himself to be a very different man than was rumored. While Sir Camden struggles with his past and his commitment to his future, as well as the ill intentions of haughty Caroline Bingley, Miss Darcy must decide whether to listen to others, or the words written on her heart. 

I've had my eye on this little gem for a while. So glad I was able to finally check it out! And audio? Even better ;) 

The story follows Georgiana Darcy who is the younger sister of Mr. Darcy. Everyone seems to be getting married and having babies. She is not crazy about all these changes. Sure she is happy for everyone, but she is just getting over her fiasco from eons ago with Mr. Wickham. In strolls Sir Camden. He had a rocky past due to grief and now he's trying to be the man of honor he knows he is. Will they be able to find love?

This was a lot of fun and I'm so happy to see Georgiana get a book. I feel like she is always forgotten in these PP or they just toss her someone and go on with the story of one of the Bennet sisters. I liked Sir Camden. I felt they went together well. They both did things in the past that they regret but now they have each other. Super sweet. 

I had no issues with the story. I liked it and it all fit well. I do want to read book 1**

**EDIT - I did read book do I NOT remember this????? Must re-read I guess. 

Luckily with these type of stories, you can read them in any order. 

My only issue is with the cover. I liked it at first...but then the girl on the cover doesn't match the girl described in the book. So annoying. 

The narrator took a bit to get used too. I felt she tried to hard to be posh British. But I think she calmed down or I just got used to it after a bit. 

Overall, I enjoyed this. It fixed my need for PP!! Loved Georgiana and Camden. They were sweet. The cover annoys me now, but it still is cute. Overall, I'll give this 4 stars. 


Blodeuedd said...

I think I read this one, and I did want to read more, I think there was a Kitty or Lydia or Mary book

Carole Rae said...

Yess there are a few.

Sophia Rose said...

I still need to read Reina's books. I love when author's give the secondary characters' stories.

Carole Rae said...

Me too! Always so fun

Anachronist said...

I am not a big fan of PP retelling stories, but I am happy it worked for you so well.

Carole Rae said...

I have to be in the mood for them.