Tuesday, July 9

TMST: Books Set in Other Countries

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

What are some of your favorite books set in other countries?

Ooooo I love this question!! It’s been a hot minute since I did this. So lazy…I know. Haha

There are sooo many books that I love that are set in other countries. I really adore romances set abroad. It allows me to take a break from this US contemporary life. But yes…I think a part of me likes books set outside of the US more. It is more of a vacation for my brain. There are SOOOO many, so I'll just share a few from this year ^_^

Into the Dreaming (Highlander, #8)
Wild Irish Witch (Mystic Cove, #6)

A Perfect Secret (Rogue Hearts #3)
Lady of the Eternal City (The Empress of Rome, #4)
 Egypt, Greece,  Italy, Jerusalem
Revealed (The Blue Raven, #1)
The Alice Network
England & France

Viking's Prize
Norway & France
The Sword Dancer (Lovers and Rebels, #1; Tang Dynasty, #4)

Didn't go anywhere crazy this July 4th weekend. We did go to Port Huron for the day and spent some time at the beach!! So fun! My BF, friend, and I went. :)

Image may contain: 6 people, including Jip Higashi and Sarah Wagner, people smiling, sky and outdoor


Blodeuedd said...

Dang it Carole, how did you get those cool boxes? Tell me :D

Carole Rae said...


vvb32 reads said...

Beach times are the best!

Carole Rae said...

Yesss - I want more beach time!