~*Ahhh, I totally forgot to type this up and post it yesterday. Sorry. I'm a bad kid. =) Anyways....*~
Length: 127 mins
Released: 1980 (on TV in UK)
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Classic
Rating: not rated
Directed By: Jonathon Miller
Where I Got It: Borrowed it from Library
Taming of the Shrew is based off the play William Shakespeare wrote. You can find my review of the play HERE. It starts off with Lucentio and Tranio conversing in streets until Kate, Bianca, their dad (Minola), and suitors bust onto the scene. The suitors are all trying to convince Minola that they love Bianca more and they want to marry her. However, Minola gives the conditions on when Bianca can marry: when Kate, the shrew, gets married first. Not surprisingly Kate freaks out and after some tongue-lashings she leaves. The suitors of course are angry because who would want to marry Kate the Shrew? Lucky for them a fortune seeker arrives on the scene and that would be none other than the "charming" Petruchio.
This TV special stars John Cleese (Monty Python movies/show, Shrek 2, Harry Potter movies) who plays the witty Petruchio, Simon Chandler (The King's Speech, Vera Drake, Milk) as the lovestruck Lucentio, and Sarah Badel (The Winter's Tale, Fingersmith) as the shrewish Kate.
It was very similar to book/play. It was an odd cast to throw together, but it worked. I was a little worried that John Cleese was the star in this adaptation, because he's not known for these type of movies/shows. And I haven't seen many actors successfully try their hand at something different. They usually fall flat on their face and it's really embarrassing and I hurt for them. HOWEVER, John Cleese did a wonderful job in this! Lucky for him this play was a comedy, so it wasn't a big change.
I liked this movie or whatever it was. It wasn't as funny as the book, but I did enjoy it. They kept really close to the play and I really respected that, because with some stories you have to. I was a little upset because they did cut out some really funny bits, but what can you expect? I know that they have to cut things out, but sometimes I felt like they cut out the wrong scene. There were some boring parts that didn't need to be in there. That's my personal opinion though.
All-in-all, the actors did a fine job, especially John Cleese. I was worried about him falling flat on his face, but he held his own and he stole the show. He really did. I'm glad Jonathon Miller took that risk, because I don't think I would have like this movie (or TV thingy) if it hadn't been John Cleese ^.^. I'm not saying I didn't like the others in this, but John Cleese made the movie/TV special. Out of five stars, I'll give this one 4 stars.
Length: 127 mins
Released: 1980 (on TV in UK)
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Classic
Rating: not rated
Directed By: Jonathon Miller
Where I Got It: Borrowed it from Library
Taming of the Shrew is based off the play William Shakespeare wrote. You can find my review of the play HERE. It starts off with Lucentio and Tranio conversing in streets until Kate, Bianca, their dad (Minola), and suitors bust onto the scene. The suitors are all trying to convince Minola that they love Bianca more and they want to marry her. However, Minola gives the conditions on when Bianca can marry: when Kate, the shrew, gets married first. Not surprisingly Kate freaks out and after some tongue-lashings she leaves. The suitors of course are angry because who would want to marry Kate the Shrew? Lucky for them a fortune seeker arrives on the scene and that would be none other than the "charming" Petruchio.
This TV special stars John Cleese (Monty Python movies/show, Shrek 2, Harry Potter movies) who plays the witty Petruchio, Simon Chandler (The King's Speech, Vera Drake, Milk) as the lovestruck Lucentio, and Sarah Badel (The Winter's Tale, Fingersmith) as the shrewish Kate.
It was very similar to book/play. It was an odd cast to throw together, but it worked. I was a little worried that John Cleese was the star in this adaptation, because he's not known for these type of movies/shows. And I haven't seen many actors successfully try their hand at something different. They usually fall flat on their face and it's really embarrassing and I hurt for them. HOWEVER, John Cleese did a wonderful job in this! Lucky for him this play was a comedy, so it wasn't a big change.
I liked this movie or whatever it was. It wasn't as funny as the book, but I did enjoy it. They kept really close to the play and I really respected that, because with some stories you have to. I was a little upset because they did cut out some really funny bits, but what can you expect? I know that they have to cut things out, but sometimes I felt like they cut out the wrong scene. There were some boring parts that didn't need to be in there. That's my personal opinion though.
All-in-all, the actors did a fine job, especially John Cleese. I was worried about him falling flat on his face, but he held his own and he stole the show. He really did. I'm glad Jonathon Miller took that risk, because I don't think I would have like this movie (or TV thingy) if it hadn't been John Cleese ^.^. I'm not saying I didn't like the others in this, but John Cleese made the movie/TV special. Out of five stars, I'll give this one 4 stars.
*Favorite Character(s): Kate and Petruchio
*Not-so Favorite Character(s): Hortensio
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