Friday, June 3

New News

I meant to post this yesterday, but all my technology in my house decided to hold a rebellion against me. That even includes my handy-dandy laptop. The rebellion of the technology is finally over, so I can post what I wanted to post. I am a nice dictator, so I won't punish my technology that bad.

On the date of June 1st, 2011 I received my first tattoo! *gasps* Good girl Carole got a tattoo? Oh my. Many people gasped and gave me an odd look, because they couldn't believe it! Well, all my life I wanted one or two...or three, but I never had the guts or the money to get one. Here's the tale:

I was just sitting all isolated in my house reading Lord of the Night when Sarah called me and asked if I wanted to go get a tattoo with her and Morgan (a friend of ours from work). My horoscope had told me that a moment of randomness would be appearing soon, so I knew this was fate. I got out of my PJ's and waited for them to come to my abode. After we stopped at our banks to pick up cash we headed out to The Red Room in Lapeer.

Morgan and I were freaking out, because we are Tattoo Virgins. Sarah has a tattoo on her foot already, so she was okay. First went Morgan. Hers lasted like 15 minutes max, because she got a little one on her neck. She got the Chinese symbol for Strength. Next went Sarah. She had her foot tattoo touched up and she received a little music note behind her ear. was my turn. I thought I was going to die! I was terrified too say the least. I was fine up until I watched them do Sarah's. It freaked me out a little bit. The guy had me lay on my back and tilt my head to the left, because mine was being done behind my right ear. Once the needle went I was calm and relaxed. I couldn't really feel anything. I swear I could've taken a nap! No lie. It felt odd...I can't really describe it. What tattoo did I get? I got my Capricorn sign. ^.^ It's cute and I LOVE it. Here's a picture Sarah took of it (you can see the guy who did my tattoo in the background, he was waiting for me to pay):

Do you like it?

=) I am so glad that I got it! However, I haven't told my parents yet, so not a word *shhhhh* They don't really approve of tattoos, so I'm waiting for the right moment to tell them. I may by 19 years old, but they are still my parents and I'm still afraid of the wrath! Love them, but they can be very scary!

Well that's all I have to share right now.

Do you have any tattoos?



Blodeuedd said...

Nope I would be too afraid that it would hurt. But good for ya :D

Unknown said...

I got a peacock on my ribs. My first too! It took close to four hours. And hurt!! I feel you on the parents. Mine hate tattoos and I haven't told them and I'm 26!!!

Unknown said...

I forgot to tell you I like it. Very cute and its not something that people are going to see first thing!

Carole Rae said...

Blodeudd, it just depends on where you get it. Like getting one on your foot or ribs hurts. But you don't have a lot of nerves on your ear. =) And thanks!

Allison, Ooh sounds like a cute tattoo! Yeah, I'm terrified of telling my parents. Thanks! I love it!