Title: Madam of My Heart (The American Madams Book 1)
Genre: Historical Fiction & Romance
Published: Feb 2017
Where I Got It: My shelf (Given to me by the author/publisher)
Baltimore, 1849. During a scandalous crisis, the young Irish Brianna Baird flees her home at Fells Point. With little cash and only a seamstress's trade, she braves the hypnotic streets of New Orleans. The tantalizing Madam DeSalle lures her to her brothel, then sells her to the dashing but questionable gambler, Edward Spina, who falls in love with her. In a tawdry alliance with these two profiteers, Brianna embarks on a journey through the French Quarter's debauched and glittering Voodoo world. Facing the horrors of slavery, she triumphs by gaining freedom papers for her maid Emma's enslaved husband and son. Brianna and Edward escape with them to San Francisco. There she becomes one of the most sought after madams in the gold rush parlor house trade. But will her fame and pluck be enough to save Edward from the Vigilante noose? This is the first book in the American Madams series.
Isn’t that cover lovely? I adore it!!
Now, the story follows Brianna on her journey through a crazy few years. Things happen and she is forced to flee her home. For some reasons, he heads to New Orleans. There she is sold to Edward who is a notorious, but charming gambler. They fall in love, of course, and they embark on a crazy journey!
It took me a little bit to really get into the story. Not that it started slow, but I found myself struggling to connect. After a while, I got hooked and finished this in a couple of sittings. Long, but a quick read.
I liked Edward, but I did not trust him. He seemed TOO dashing and charming for my liking. Brianna was okay. It took me a while to really grow to like her.
The story was an interesting one for sure. Some slow moments here and there, but overall I had no idea what was going to happen next! What a crazy journey Brianna had to deal with. I am glad the romance did not hinder the story. There was a nice balance.
The ending made me mad!!!!! I can’t say why, but *shakes fist*! I nearly cried at the end. Well done author. I was neutral in feeling the majority of the book but then BOOM! Feels.
It is hard not to give away spoilers…
Overall, this was pretty good. Took me a while to really get hooked on the story and the main character. After a certain point, though, I was hooked! The ending had me feeling. So yes, the ending was good. If you like historical fiction with some romance. The romance doesn’t overshadow the story and that worked well. I’ll give this 3 stars.
Wait, she is tricked into a brothel and then she becomes a madame herself? Seems like she would know that maybe that is no good
Yess you would think that! But I guess there is no choice once you are exposed to that.
Thank you for hosting Gini's Blog Tour & for your review, Carole!
HF Virtual Book Tours
The cover art is nice...
Amy, of course, and thanks for including me!
Ana, it is very nice. :)
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