Saturday, February 1

Best of January 2020

Happy Feb! 2020 is fastly underway!

Here are our favorites for last month. 

Best Movie of the Month:

Blodeuedd's pick...........Ashes in the Snow (2018)

"I have never cried this much in my life. WATCH IT"

Carole: Ugh nothing this month. I didn't really watch any movies. I've been glued to my shows!

Best TV show of the Month:

Carole's pick............The Mandalorian (season 1)

"Such a good show. Love it so much. More please!"

The Mandalorian Poster

Blodeuedd's pick...............BoJack Horseman

"Weird ass show"

Best Book of the Month:
Blodeuedd's Pick..................Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames

"A fantasy tribute to metal music."

Carole's pick............Lake Silence by Anne Bishop

"Nervous at first, but I was pleasantly surprised! Sooooo good!"

Lake Silence (The World of the Others, #1; The Others, #6)

Best Cover of the Month:


Sophia Rose said...

Yeah, that movie is on my list. Yay for Lake Silence! Orks! I love both those covers.

Blodeuedd said...


Carole Rae said...

Sophia, :D they are both awesome.

B, YODA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!