Tuesday, January 28

Time for TV Tuesday: The Mandalorian (season 1)

Recently Finished:

Through: Disney +

The Mandalorian Poster

Okay...I will admit it...I am not crazy about the 'Star Wars' movies and universe. I've watched them and I appreciate them for what they are. Some movies have been fun and exciting. Some? Meh. I didn't anticipate watching this...but...I randomly just put it on and I was hooked. 

So - this does not follow the increasingly annoying Skywalkers (too many movies...let them be at peace and move on to other places in the university and other characters). We have a legit Mandalorian who has become a bounty hunter. He is tasked with bringing in a valuable bounty. Things happen and he becomes attached to the little one. He becomes his father-like figure. 

I love, love Mando. He is badass, but humble and smart. He knows when to go blasting in and when he needs to be more careful. I would want him on my side. Plus...I am with him with being anti-droid/robot. I wouldn't trust them either especially after when we learn what happened to his family and village. Poor guy. 

Loved the baby. Soooo cute. Hopefully we will get more of a glimpse into the history of this creature's species. It has been such a mystery. 

We had a lot of characters that we met along the way. Some good. Some bad. Some a little of both. Some even surprise you! I loved going around to different parts of the universe. It was very fun! It really made me like this universe more. My favorite character was Kuiil and his little friends. I HAVE SPOKEN!!!!

The naming of each episodes were a nice touch. We got to see Mando grow into the Father role and protector. We see the creature get a little stronger with the Force. Bless that little creature!

OoooOOOooooOOOooo those last two episodes. My heart! SOBS! Will not say...but just rip my heart out YOU MONSTERS!!!!!!! SOBBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I am not amused how it ended at all. Nope. Nope. I still love the show, but I wasn't happy. It broke my heart. I will watch season 2 when it comes out...but I will need them to redeem themselves. 

Overall, the show was really good. It made me want to watch more. I hope they follow this path and we go more like this. Boo to the Skywalkers...YAYY to Mandalorian and the baby! 4 stars (sorry - had to take one star away for what they did to my heart). 


Melliane said...

Oh I didn't know about this one

Carole Rae said...

It is soooo good

Sophia Rose said...

I loved watching the older Star Wars when they came out each year and we went to the drive in, but I just could not bring myself to care about the others I've watched since the original three. I've heard this one is really great. Since hubby is a fan, we'll eventually watch this. I'll probably sob, too, like I did through the end of Rogue One. :)

Blodeuedd said...

The into music is so cool!

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, yes the newer ones I've seen some. They just don't have that old feeling anymore. They seem to be coping and pasting old storylines. Aww! Let me know when you do!

B, yess it is badass.