Title: P.S. I Still Love You
(To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2)
Genre: YA, Romance, Contemporary
Format: paperback
Pages: 337
Published: May 26th 2015
Where I Got It: Borrowed copy from friend
Lara Jean didn’t expect to really fall for Peter.
She and Peter were just pretending. Except suddenly they weren’t. Now Lara Jean is more confused than ever.
When another boy from her past returns to her life, Lara Jean’s feelings for him return too. Can a girl be in love with two boys at once?
In this charming and heartfelt sequel to the New York Times bestseller To All the Boys I've Loved Before, we see first love through the eyes of the unforgettable Lara Jean. Love is never easy, but maybe that’s part of what makes it so amazing.
Been anxious to read this...but you know life...fell on the back-burning. With the movie coming soon, my friend let me borrow her copy because we want to watch the movie when it comes to Netflix.
FYI - there may be some spoilers scattered around here.
Things start off right away. Peter and Lara Jean seem to be happy, but things can be shortlived especially when a video pops up on the internet of the two sharing a passionate kiss. They are now the butt of every joke. Then there is Peter's ex and Lara Jean's ex-friend. Love is never easy and they will go through the ringer. Will their new love stick?
Oh, High school. I'm glad I got out of there in time. Yes, the internet was there, but it isn't like how it is now. Instagram and FB have taken control of the world. But, ugh, High School drama and this was littered with it. In a good way. It certainly reminded though how I'm glad I just have dumb adult drama.
Poor Lara Jean. I adore her and I just want her to be happy, but everything seems to be pulling her and Peter apart. I like Peter, but I am super pissed at him. He better fix what he did in book 3. Dumb boy.
Hate Gen. We get some reveals here, but I don't feel bad for her. Won't say, but grow up Gen. Seriously.
Chris annoyed me this time around. She seemed so sparse and selfish. Sure, she is just that selfish friend we all have, but she seemed extra this time around.
I was also annoyed with Margot and Josh. Grrrr. Get your head's out of your arse.
I enjoyed this a lot, but I was annoyed with a lot of our characters. This was for sure a transition book. Hopefully, everyone can come to their senses in book 3.
Yes...love triangle warning. There was a small part with a possible love triangle. I like John...I do....but not for Lara Jean. Maybe he can get with Margot or Gen. There ya go. Get Gen outta here! Ya - I wasn't crazy about this little love triangle between Peter, John, and LJ. I get WHY it happened and why it actually helped push some of the story. But.....sighs......no.
There is a tiny cliffhanger at the end too. But not too bad of a cliffie. You can go on with your life and be okay, but there are a lot of loose ends. I can't wait to start book 3!!
In the end, I enjoyed this. I was annoyed with a lot of the characters and I'm pissed at Peter. He better fix everything in the next book. So yes, some minors issues for me, but I am anxious for book 3! I'll stamp this with 3 stars.
- #7 on Bingo for YA
As soon as you mentioned all the irritating characters after loving the first book, I immediately thought 'transition book'. It's like a must in a trilogy. LOL
It's too bad that it wasn't more...
Sophia, yes...transition it was!
Melliane, I know. I am slightly bummed
John for gen? No. Gen must be aloooone
You are right! LOL She needs to be alone until she grows up
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