Friday, September 13

Happy Friday the 13th & Short Story Review: The Brook by Anne Marie Stoddard

The BrookAuthor:  Anne Marie Stoddard 
Title: The Brook
Genre: Short Story, Horror
Pages: ebook
Published: 2013 
Where I Got It: Amazon (freebie)

There's something evil lurking in the waters of the mountain streams, and only ten year-old Michael Wilson knows how to stop it. Can he kill the creature and save the residents of Sampson, Tennessee, or will he become the monster's next meal?

In honor of Friday the 13th I found a random horror freebie and it is appropriate since it has to deal with water. Oooo! 

The story follows Michael is a just a kid and his babysitter had been murdered. He is convinced there is a monster lurking. Can he kill it and save the residents? Or is he doomed?

Oooo kid...never go looking for is only asking for trouble. 

This was creepy and fun. The ending really got me! Did NOT see that twist...even though I should've. Very good, very good. 

I do wish we had some more character development though. 

It is short but good and if you need a touch of creepy in your life I recommend this little guy. A good twist at the end that was obvious but not too obvious. I'll stamp this with 4 stars. 

Image may contain: 2 people
just because why not? Happy Friday the 13th!


Melliane said...

I'm not attracted by the cover but I'm glad it was a good one!

Blodeuedd said...

Eeek Friday the 13th, maybe that is why my head was in the clouds yesterday

Carole Rae said...

Melliane, the cover is boring indeed.

B, must be!

Sophia Rose said...

Looks like you found just the thing to kick off the fall spooky reads and plus that it was a good Friday the 13th read. :)

Carole Rae said...

Thanks Sophia! A nice beginning to spooky stuff!