Tuesday, September 17

TMST: Reviews for Book That I Didn't Love


Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. 

How do you handle writing reviews for books that you didn’t love?

Oooo Rainy Day Ramblings is creating some tough questions lately! I almost didn't do this post this week because I really didn't know HOW to answer. 

Having a book you don't love is rough. I always dread when I come across a book I do not like. Sometimes if it is bad enough I'll just cut my loses and DNF. Saves me time. But I really HATE DNFing books because I am full of hope that it'll get better. I've had so many books do a 180 and turn around. There are times though that they don't. 

Now - just say I have a book I have decided is not going to get a shimmering, love-filled review. What to do next? I'll admit that if I was given the book by a friend, family, author, publisher, or etc then I might be a bit nicer when I write my review. Mainly because I know the person who gave it to me will be reading it and I don't want to be rude. It was a gift so I'll be 100% honest of course (that is my disclaimer after all), but I will keep the pitchforks and torches at home. I'll always point out the good as well and then point out the not-so-good.

Now books that I wasted money on or wasted gas on from getting it at a library, I will not hold back. Sorry. You wasted not only my time, but my actual money. I will bring the gifs and the pitchforks and torches. I'll ALWAYS point out the good that I found as well. 

NOW I will NEVER EVER attack the author personally or be flat out mean to be mean. There is no need to be rude and offensive. But if it was not great...well...eeeeee I will not just give it 5 stars to soften your ego. Sorry. I have to be honest. It is not in me to lie. 

Image may contain: dog


Heidi@Rainy Day Ramblings said...

I am so not about giving out higher reviews to flatter someone’s ego or to save feelings. I want the truth. If a reviewer consistently gives high ratings than I am not as likely to trust that reviewer, so it is best to be as honest as you can. Thanks for being a part of TMST this week, Carole.

Carole Rae said...

Thanks Heidi! And yes, it makes the reviewer seemed biased.

Blodeuedd said...

You do not have to be nice if I give you something and you do not like it ;)

Carole Rae said...

You are one of the few that won't have your feelings hurt. ;)