Thursday, September 26

Book Review: Things too Big to Name by Molly Best Tinsley

Things too Big to Name
Author:  Molly Best Tinsley
Title: Things too Big to Name
Genre: Mystery, Drama
Pages: ebook
Published:  September 9th 2019
Where I Got It: My shelf (given to me by the author/publisher for my honest and unbiased opinion)

Professor Margaret Torrens retired to a mountain cabin only to find her solitude disturbed first by a former student with an odd, mute girl in tow, and soon after by a man who laid claim to both woman and child.

Now Margaret is locked in a ward for the criminally insane, and a charge of murder is in the air. As a psychologist pries out her story, she is waylaid by her own secrets, borne by the ghost of her young husband, lost decades before. 

I was intrigued right away! The cover and the story itself just called for me. I had to read it! 

The story follows Margaret who has retired to a cabin in the mountains to find solitude. However, she comes across a former student with an odd, mute girl in tow. Then there is a man who follows after claiming to be looking for this woman and child. Now, Margaret finds herself locked away in a ward for the criminally insane talking to a psychologist who tries to figure out the truth and find her secrets. 

This was a pretty intense book. I read this in 1 sitting. I had to know what was going to happen next. Luckily this was a shorter book so it was easy to breeze through. 

I felt so bad for Margaret. But I had my doubts about her at the same times. 

The formatting was interesting. I did go back and forth on my feelings to the letters she wrote to Ben. They seemed to help the story move along while at sometimes I felt it slowed the narrative down a bit. But overall, I still liked seeing her be honest with Ben.

But other than that I was drawn in by the story and the characters. I HAD to know what was going to happen. And man, oh man was that a good ending. Such a good mystery! Yet again...poor Margaret. I was utterly SHOCKED by the ending. SO good, SO good.

Overall, I really did enjoy this story. I did go back and forth on the letters she wrote. I liked them overall, but there were sometimes I felt it slowed things down too much. The mystery was good and I was shocked at the ending. I recommend this if you want a good mystery, with an intense story, but a quick read. I'll give this 4 stars. 


Sophia Rose said...

You're stellar review definitely has me convinced to give this one a go. I'm so curious about it.

Teddy Rose said...

Thanks for hosting! I am so glad you enjoyed 'Things Too Big to Name'!

Blodeuedd said...

I do wonder what happened? Ohhhh

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, thanks!!!! It was certainly a good one.

Teddy, thanks for including me!

B, hehehe won't tell you. ;)