Title: The Wicked King
(The Folk of the Air #2)
Genre: Fantasy, YA
Pages: ebook
Published: January 8th 2019
Where I Got It: Borrowed from the library
You must be strong enough to strike and strike and strike again without tiring.
The first lesson is to make yourself strong.
After the jaw-dropping revelation that Oak is the heir to Faerie, Jude must keep her younger brother safe. To do so, she has bound the wicked king, Cardan, to her, and made herself the power behind the throne. Navigating the constantly shifting political alliances of Faerie would be difficult enough if Cardan were easy to control. But he does everything in his power to humiliate and undermine her even as his fascination with her remains undiminished.
When it becomes all too clear that someone close to Jude means to betray her, threatening her own life and the lives of everyone she loves, Jude must uncover the traitor and fight her own complicated feelings for Cardan to maintain control as a mortal in a Faerie world.
After book 1, which was not great, but good
enough, I really wanted to read more. I should not have had those feelings.
Instead, I got a big boring mess.
Book 2 had so much promise. So many good reviews.
And so much potential! The only good part of the book was the 15%. That was so
intense and enthralling! The rest? Meeeehhhhh
I was bored from page 1 and sadly not even the
end got me excited. By then I just wanted it to end. But I will say that sure
the best part was at the end. Something FINALLY happened. It was like everyone
woke from a coma. And I was all good riddance, you all SUCK!
Yess. There was SO much build-up and SO much
teasing that something big was going to happen. But then pages would go by and
nothing really happened. I had hoped at the very beginning but I was so let
down. Sure a couple small things happened but nothing really until the end.
I was not super excited by any of the characters
in book 1, but here everyone lost any depth they had. Cardan drunk and said
nothing- Jude was the most stupid ass ever, omg, I just want to slap the shit
out of her. Where was Madoc? The only interesting person? And omg her sister,
please bury her deep. Ugh, I hate them all. This is not how one should feel.
I agree. I did feel bad for Jude at the end, but
she was a huge dummy. I could tell you right away who the person was that was
going to betray her. The warning wasn’t even needed. She didn’t heed it at all.
SMH. Cardan was an ass at the end. Madoc only popped up here and there to be
filler. Vivi was terrible to Heather. Not one character I could get behind.
I think the word I am looking for is bitch.
Cardan was a whiny bitch. Jude was a stupid bitch who should know better. Vivi
was just a bitch. And then we have the twin who I loathe and whose name I
forget, silly bitch I will call her cos I do not think she had that many brain cells.
Taryan is her name I think. But grrr!!! She
should’ve been tossed in the Tower with Locke. Jude is an idiot. And bitch for
all of them is perfect.
I lost all respect for them. Sigh. Why does
everyone love this series? I just do not know. There is no chemistry between
anyone. I mean are we supposed to root for Cardan and Jude? Euwwww. F that
Ugh. The scene between them...you know which
one….was gross. There is NO chemistry. And why are people wanting them to get
together? He tried killing her in the first book! He is a horrible, abusive
thing. A little boy. I wish that he was locked away in a tower. Madoc should’ve
killed him.
50 shades of Fae. It seems to be the norm now,
abusive creepy relationships in YA books too.
We should not be teaching our youth this! He is a
horrible man/boy/thing. Bleh! Jude is an idiot.
We saw it in Maas, and we see it here. Damn
it. Why did I say we should continue!?
Because we had hope. Book 1 was good. Everyone
loved this one….and I know I was curious to see what happened. A bad part of me
wants to read book 3. But that is the part of me that cannot put down a
terrible book and DNF it. LOL I think the normal person calls it...hope?
True. Ok so I hate them all and they should
die. But I guess I am curious to see how it all ends. With them all dead. The
LOLL. I’m sure some of them are going to end up
dead. I have a theory Jude is going to go on a rampage if/when she gets more
power. I have a feeling in my gut and THAT would be fun to watch. Jude
losing it! LOL That twin of hers is on the chopping block first.
SHe will kill Madoc, then Cardan and Locke.
Her sister, sadly not. And then Taryn kills her! Omg that would be perfect. Ha.
And Taryn does get stabbed so she dies too.
Gah! You are right. Taryn will give Jude some sob
story. Jude will forgive her and then the moment she turns away Taryn will stab
her. SMH. GODS! Jude is a huge dummy. She is so dumb I cannot even believe it.
Luckily the book was an ebook I borrowed from the library so I could not throw
my phone/kindle. If it had been a paper book I would’ve. IDIOT!!!!!
Right! I can so see it happening. Sob
sob, yes you did kill hubby but it was for the best. Stab stab! Gods, what a
dumbass bitch.
Dumbass bitch for sure. That should be Jude’s
tagline. LOL
I am glad we disliked it the both of us. I could
never have forgiven you if you had fallen in love with it! ;)
Hahaha. I wanted to. I wanted to love it. Like I
said… I had hope! The only good part was the last 15%. Sighs.
I guess better luck next time! But with our
track record, it will prob be a bad one. Ok so no more fae or ya fantasy for a
Agreed. We get ONE good book and then the next 4
or so are terrible. SMH. We are unlucky! And yessssss after this one I need a
small break from YA fantasy.
Well, good luck picking a good one! I do not
envy you.
Eeeekkkkk! I have hope!
The end! Do not read this series!
The end! I agree 100%! AVOID!
Oh complicated...
We ripped it apart mowuaaahahahahah
Melliane, super!
B, we did
Sounds like it was a frightful flirty tease and left you wanting. :(
Yess Sophia! That is the best way to describe it!
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