Length: 1 hr and 35 mins
Released: 2004
Genre: Comedy, Romance, & Family
Rating: PG
Where I Got It: Netflix
Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Sam Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.
This was a childhood favorite of mine and when it was added to Netflix I had no choice but to watch it and see if it is all that I remember.
And it kind of does, but in some ways not so.
The story follows Sam who loses her dad and is raised by her evil stepmother. Sam wants to get away and go to Princeton. She works her ass off at the diner to earn money and she studies away like a madman. During all this, she is talking to this boy on the computer who seems to be everything she ever dreamed of. Things happen and she finds out he is the most popular guy in High School and the Quarterback of the football team. Oh and yes...he is hot but he is secretly sensitive and wants to be a writer. Gag me. Sorry...even as a kid I thought he was too good to true. But yes...things happen and they finally end up together. Not a spoiler because this is a romance ;)
I remembering loving Hillary Duff in my youth, but after watching this again....she could not act. Okay, that is not fair...she is okay. Her voice is annoying now. She always sounds whiny and it grated on my nerves after a while. She should've just stuck with TV shows.
I loved the step mother and the step sisters. They were hilarious.
This is a cute film and I still liked it. It is a classic for me and it really does have a good message. Sure...look for true love, but it is not essential to better yourself. Do not rely on him (or her) to save you. Be true to yourself and happiness will follow.
If you are looking for a sweet but meaningful little movie this is for you. I'll give this 3 stars.
Hehe maybe
I did see it a while ago
B, ;D
Melliane, so cute.
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