Title: A Fistful of Love
Genre: Nonfiction, Humor, & Philosophy
Pages: ebook
Published: Feb 2016
Where I Got It: My shelf (Given to me by the author/publisher for my honest and unbiased opinion)
Wisdom and Humour from a Monk's Bowl A man was sitting with his friends in a local inn. After a couple of drinks, he asked his friends, "Do you love me?" "Of course, we do," they replied. "So do you know what I need?" No one answered. "If you don't know what I need then how can you say you love me?" To love and to be loved is the most basic human need. No wonder we are attracted to people who give us attention, care about us, and love us. Yet, love also remains the greatest challenge in most relationships. Why? A Fistful of Love is a collection of insightful, thought-provoking nuggets of wisdom appreciated by millions around the world. This book is full of humour and narratives most beautifully woven into learnings of life that will make you stop and think. A must read. Om Swami is a mystic living in the Himalayan foothills. He has a bachelor's degree in business and an MBA from Sydney, Australia. Prior to renunciation, he founded and ran a multi-million dollar software company successfully.
Not sure why but I really love books like this. I love looking at life through another's eyes. I love learning about other people's philosophy and view on life and everything in it. This was a no-brainer for me to pick up and read.
I am so glad I read this. This was awesome and I loved it! Lots of wisdom, but it had humor too which made me really like the author. The author seems so wise but also so down-to-earth that the words on the page really struck a chord with me.
I soaked this book up and all of the pages. The author was honest and made amazing points. Sure there were a couple of points where I had my own opinion and might not change my viewpoint, but it gave me a chance to see something different.
I think the quote that really struck me was:
"Life does not know what you want. It only sees what you do. And even if it could understand what you want from it, it is too unattached, too wise, to take you seriously. Have you ever noticed how a split second flies? This is the life we dearly hold, protect, cherish, and cling to for decades."
Life waits for no one.
The little anecdotes made the points really shine. Also, I really think the format and organization of the book made it better.
In the end, this was a wonderful book. I really connected with this book on a lot of levels and just reading it gave me a sense of calm. The sprinkles of humor made this even better. In a way it symbolized how you should live your life....yes, take it seriously but you need to have some laughs and good stories too. Highly recommended. This gets the shiny 5 star stamp.
I am so glad I read this. This was awesome and I loved it! Lots of wisdom, but it had humor too which made me really like the author. The author seems so wise but also so down-to-earth that the words on the page really struck a chord with me.
I soaked this book up and all of the pages. The author was honest and made amazing points. Sure there were a couple of points where I had my own opinion and might not change my viewpoint, but it gave me a chance to see something different.
I think the quote that really struck me was:
"Life does not know what you want. It only sees what you do. And even if it could understand what you want from it, it is too unattached, too wise, to take you seriously. Have you ever noticed how a split second flies? This is the life we dearly hold, protect, cherish, and cling to for decades."
Life waits for no one.
The little anecdotes made the points really shine. Also, I really think the format and organization of the book made it better.
In the end, this was a wonderful book. I really connected with this book on a lot of levels and just reading it gave me a sense of calm. The sprinkles of humor made this even better. In a way it symbolized how you should live your life....yes, take it seriously but you need to have some laughs and good stories too. Highly recommended. This gets the shiny 5 star stamp.
I'm so glad you enjoyed 'A Fistful of Love'!
Hi Carole,
So glad that you enjoyed the book. Thank You for posting Your heart felt Review. Hope it inspires your followers :).
Even Vicki the host who posted her review a day before said that she felt calm after reading the book.
Please feel free to go to the Authors Blog on OmSwami.com for more insightful writings and few other books which He has written on different genres.
Many Thanks
Wow, nice :D
Oh great! it was a new one to me!
I like books like these too. Always up for adding "nuggets of wisdom" to my life.
Teddy, thank you for including me!
Garima, thank you so much for stopping by my blog to read my review. It was a very good book. I am glad Vicki felt the same way!
Blodeuedd, :D
Melliane, it was good.
vvb32, me too! I love getting little bits of life wisdom.
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