Wednesday, January 25

Top Ten Tuesday (13): Freewrite Time!

~The Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.~

Happy Tuesday everyone! I'm pretty much done with all my homework and, well, I'm bored, so I decided to participate in Top Ten Tuesday. ^.^

This week is a freebie and I can share whatever I want to share. Freedom! Freedom! *clears throat* Sorry. Anyways, the topic I'm going to choose fictional boyfriends. I missed this one a while back, so now I'm going to give my fictional-crushes a little bit of light. Haha. I'll even post a picture of who I view as the person (there is no real order to my list):

10) Tao from The Dragon and the Pearl. 

9) Faramir from Lord of the Rings. 

8) William Marshall from The Greatest Knight. 

7) Drake from My Ruthless Prince, The Inferno Club series.

6) Matsuhito from The Snow Fox.

5) Damien from Lord of Ice

4) Eomer from Lord of the Rings

3) Shang Da from Blue Moon, Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series

2) Captain Wentworth from Persuasion 

1) Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice and Pemberly Ranch (I couldn't pick which Mr. Darcy I liked more, sooooo I just decided to put both)

Pride and Prejudice (couldn't help myself)

Pemberly Ranch

You like my "boyfriends"? Haha. Anyways...sorry about this post be a little on the late side. School is a pain in the rump.



Laurie said...

Hopping from book blog hop. Following on GFC

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Fictional boyfriends are my absolute favorite. And now you have me craving to watch Persuasion tonight. I love Captain Wentworth!

Great list!

Blodeuedd said...

Yes yes yes :D Totally crushing on Darcy, duh, Wentworth and Eomer and Faramir

Carole Rae said...

Laurie, thanks for stopping by! I'll be sure to hop on over there too (I think I'm so witty sometimes)

Missie, thankies! Captain Wentworth is a hunk. =D You're welcome!

Blodeuedd, you would have to be heartless to NOT be crushing on those men. ^.^