Title: Sweet Tea and Sympathy
Series: Southern Eclectic #1
Genre: Chick LIt, Humor, Contemporary Romance
Format: ebook
Pages: 307
Published: November 21, 2017
Where I Got It: Borrowed from the library
Type-A Margot Cary is the leading event planner for the crème de la crème of Chicago high society. No request is too extravagant for her to execute with trademark perfection. That is, until an unfortunate incident involving a shrimp tower, live flamingos, and a shellfish allergy puts her on the black list of the rich and social and out of a job. With the lights about to be shut off in the trendy condo she can no longer afford, and her savings account dwindling, Margot’s situation is near to desperate.
In steps her birth father’s side of the family (who she’s never met), the McCreadys…the McCreadys of the McCready Family Funeral Home and Bait Shop in small town Georgia—and as luck would have it, they’re looking for an event planner and don’t care about her reputation among the A-list crowd. As Margot tackles small town life—where everyone knows everything about everyone—and builds a relationship with a father who she’d never known, she discovers the comforts that community, a rather large extended family, and a rugged, unpretentious country man can offer...
I adore this author. Her books are so much fun so I couldn't resist checking this one out!
Margot Cary had it all...she was the leading event planner for Chicago high society. She was good...no great at her job. However, things fall apart after an unfortunate incident involving a shrimp tower, live flamingos, and a shellfish allergy that puts her on the blacklist of the rich...so she is out of a job. With no job, no money, and about to lose her home...she is desperate. In steps in her birth father's side of the family to help. She has never met them. They bring her in to work at their McCready Family Funeral Home and Bait Shop in a small town in Georgia. She accepts, but soon she'll discover small-town life isn't for the weak-hearted and a rugged, unpretentious countryman....
Okay....I did not like Margot. There...I said it. It's been bugging me and feels nice to get it off my chest.
She is just so unlikeable. When she gets there she is just rude and snippy and whiney. Sure she is struggling with the whole losing-her-dream-job thing and being abandoned by her dad. I GET it for sure. I can understand her sadness and pain...but OMG was she a broken record. There were some parts I had to skim over because I couldn't handle her.
This family literally has been nothing but nice to her. Brought her over, got her a gig, a home, and been very understanding. Literally, everything was just handed to her. Yes, the townsfolk were unsure about her (with reason) at first and judgy. It's a small-tight-knit-town. What did you really expect Margot??????
But yesss Margot just annoyed me. She DOES get a touch better as the story goes on, but it's hard for me to like her even when she got better.
Man...I wish I had liked Margot more so I could've enjoyed the story more. There are so many people who gushed about this on Goodreads and I'm just the grumpy toad over here. Oh no! I'm turning into Margot!!!!
*mutters to self to think of the things I liked*
Loved the rest of the town and cast though. They were fun.
I want to read book 2 since it is about Frankie! Loveedddd her! Can't wait.
Kyle was a hunk. I liked that it was a slow burn and a sweet romance. I loved watching them become friends and then more. I could actually slightly tolerate her then.
The humor was there still so that was nice. Molly Harper sure does know how to write a cute romance with humor mixed in!
Overall, I had some major issues....mainly just my feelings for Margot....but this had its moments. Between a cute romance and some funny parts, I was able to finish this. I even warmed up SLIGHTLY to Margot by the end. This is a fun town and I can't wait to read book 2 which is about Frankie! 2 stars from me.
- #1 of Romance Reading Challenge (Borrowed from library) - yes, yes I know I posted #2 before this one. Whoops LOL.
Sorry this one wasn't better for you.
Can't win them all I guess. :/
It's been ages, but I remember I enjoyed this series and this book. It's a bit different than her paranormal stuff, but good.
I hope I like book 2 more. I adore her books.
Oh meh, it looked cute
I hope book 2 is good.
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