Author: Jessica Day George
Title: Princess of Glass
Series: The Princesses of Westfalin Trilogy #2
Genre: Fantasy, YA, Retellings, Romance
Format: paperback
Pages: 266
Published: May 25, 2010
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)
Hoping to escape the troubles in her kingdom, Princess Poppy reluctantly agrees to take part in a royal exchange program, whereby young princes and princesses travel to each other's countries in the name of better political alliances--and potential marriages. It's got the makings of a fairy tale--until a hapless servant named Eleanor is tricked by a vengeful fairy godmother into competing with Poppy for the eligible prince. Ballgowns, cinders, and enchanted glass slippers fly in this romantic and action-packed happily-ever-after quest from an author with a flair for embroidering tales in her own delightful way.
This has been literally sitting on my shelf for yearssssss. I read book 1 in 2016 and loveeeddd it. I bought this one shortly after and just....kept forgetting about it. I kept telling myself I would read it and just...didn't. Can't explain why. Thanks to the TBR pile reading challenge I have finally dusted this off and read it. Yayy for the TBR!
Here we follow Princess Poppy who agrees to take part in a royal exchange program. Young princes and princesses travel to each other's countries to learn about those countries, gain alliances, and maybe gain a marriage proposal. This has the makings for a romance for Poppy who has been having a hard time after the recent curse was lifted. Everything is going well until a hapless servant named Elanor is tricked by a vengeful fairy godmother into competing with Poppy for the eligible prince. Ballgowns, cinders, and enchanted glass slippers will fly!
This was certainly a different take on Cinderella. It was fun. You can see the elements of Cinderella, but the author had a lot of fun (you can tell) with making it fresh and new. Which kuddos to that!
The first 85% of the book was really intriguing and I was hooked. The last 15% of the book...lost me a bit. It seemed soooo rushed. Things happened and then it just ended. It left me reeling a bit. I feel like we needed another 20 pages or so just to nicely wrap things up. To be honest it felt like the author was rushing to get this done. It was just very anti-climatic in a way. I liked what happened in the end, don't get me wrong. It was nice and I love Poppy so I want good things for her....but it just felt SOOOO rushed and so easily solved.
I still enjoyed this book overall. You can't help but root for Poppy. Poor girl has been through sooooo much that you just want to see her be happy. That poor family needs a break!!
I also found myself feeling bad for Eleanor. Sure she was an idiot, but I can see WHY she wanted more.
Christian was whiney at first. I didn't like him, but I did warm up to him by the end.
All-in-all, it wasn't as good as the first one (which def read that one first), but I still had fun. It was a fresh take on the old story and I adored Poppy. The ending was a bit too rushed though, but I still had fun. 3 stars from me.
- #5 for Romance Reading Challenge - YA
- #1 TBR Pile Challenge
I can¨t wait :)
I hate rushed endings. All the build up and then BAM it's over.
B, hopefully you like book 1 and this one!
Jen, me too. It is always disheartening.
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