Title: Silent Vows
(MacCoinnich Time Travels #2)
Genre: Historical Romance, Time Travel, Fantasy, Sci Fi
Format: Audiobook
Pages: 302
Published: September 3rd 2010
Where I got It: Audible
Myra, a medieval virgin druidess, flees five hundred years into the future to escape death at the hands of a cursed witch and lands in the arms of a handsome but cynical twenty-first century cop. Officer Todd Blakely knows Myra is hiding something, but can't resist her innocent charms. Destiny throws them both into a world of intrigue and mysticism. Can Todd be the true white knight she needs? Or will magic and the winds of time tear them apart?
Couldn't wait to get started on book 2! Book 1 was so good and it left on a cliffie of sorts.
We now follow Myra who was sent to the future to hide from the evil witch who wants her virgin druid blood. Also, Myra needs to find her sister-in-law's sister, Liz, and nephew to warn them and let them know that Tara is okay. She finds herself in the path of Officer Todd Blakely who knows Myra is hiding something and may know where the missing Tara is. But he is oddly also attracted to her and wants to help her.
I am loving this series so far. I can't wait for book 3.
This was good and again slightly different than the a-typical time travel books. We get to see the aftermath of book 1 when Tara left the modern age all of a sudden. The cops are looking for her and Liz is a mess. I am bummed we didn't get to re-meet up with Tara's old friend. Poor thing must be a mess too. We rarely see the ramifications and it made me worried for Myra because the cops know she knows something but she won't say.
I was a little unsure of Todd at first and it took me near to the end when he finally man's up and admits he loves Myra. I don't blame her brothers for wanting to knock his head off. LOL. But yes - he does finally man up when things get really real.
This does add more of a witch element. Yes, we have the time travel element, but there is also a lot more magic used in this one. I liked it. I am curious to see how far it goes.
That evil witch, Grainna, really is true evil and she worries me. She is getting stronger. Oh boy. We get a better look into her powers. I feel bad for her followers who are mind-controlled for sure and/or severely lied to.
The narrator is the same as before. I like him even though his young American voice still needs a touch of work, but I feel like it was a hair better this time around.
Overall, I liked this one a lot. I am itching to get a start on book 3! Everything is coming to a head and I need to know what will happen next. Plus we get to see Liz's story with Fin. They have a lot of chemistry but a LOT of differences they will need to settle. I'll give this 4 stars.
- #63 for Audiobook Challenge
- #63 for Audiobook Challenge
Woudln't she just have been killed as a witch? In her days ;)
Oh gurl. She was powerful af loll
Oh, this is starting to sound better. I like that they deal with some of the issues caused by the actions in the first book.
Same! I am curious about book 3. I feel like it's all going to come to a head then.
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