Wednesday, December 30

2021 Romance Bingo Reading Challenge

Hosted by: Blodeuedd @ Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell
                                                                            Carole @ Carole Rae's Random Ramblings

Blodeuedd and I decided to host our own reading challenge again this year! 

We are doing a bingo sheet to mark our reading progress! The rules are below. 


- It HAS to be a romance novel. 
- One bingo box per book (if your book meets a couple of these you have to pick just one)
- You can try and read all of them or just do one BINGO line. 
- There is one FREE SPACE
- Bingo Starts 1/1/2021 and ends 12/30/2021
- Join whenever

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Jen Twimom said...

I totally forgot about the 2020 one months ago. Should I try again this year?

Blodeuedd said...

I need to make something to help me remember

Carole Rae said...

Yess Jen! You should :D Join us! B and I are playing with google excel to help us.

B, maybe the excel will be the answers to our prayers.