Sunday, December 20

Book Review: The Thief's Angel by Caroline Lee

Caroline Lee
Title: The Thief's Angel (The Highland Angels #3)
Genre: Historical Romance, Mystery
Format: ebook
Pages: 266
Published:  February 17th 2020
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)

Lady Rosalind Forbes is an integral member of the Queen’s Angels—an elite trio of spies disguised as ladies-in-waiting—as the brains of the group. However, she’s keeping two secrets from her teammates; one which will endanger this mission, and one which will jeopardize her very place as an Angel. Her teammates don’t know, can’t know, that she’s given herself to the very man who is now their prime suspect in the plot against the Crown.

Cam Fraser used to be the son of a laird, a man with a place. Now he’s just a thief, and a leader of cutpurses. But his mission to find the woman he’s betrayed leads him to his ancestral home, where he encounters Rosa, the dark beauty whose touch he hasn’t been able to forget.

With the help of a matchmaking six-year-old, and a chance attack by bandits, Cam and Rosa have the opportunity to set things right. But that’s not going to help Rosa’s mission, not when Cam doesn’t even realize he’s a suspect. And she can’t give her heart to a traitor…can she?

A brilliant Angel and a charming thief are going to have to work together to discover the truth about the plot against Robert the Bruce, if they want any chance of a future together.

Third book in the series. This has been the one I have been waiting on. Everything is coming together and we are finally getting Rosa's HEA!

We follow Rosa who is sent to follow Cam Fraser who is now suspected of wanting to overthrow the King and Queen. Cam used to be the son of a laird who ran away as a youth and joined a gang of thieves. He is now their leader, but he gave that up to find his beloved adopted sister, Court, who he betrayed. He wants to make it right and make sure she is happy wherever she is. With the help of a matchmaking six-year-old and an attack by bandits, Cam and Rosa have a chance to set things right and get to know each other. A brilliant Angel and a charming thief will have to work together to prove Cam is innocent and find out who really is behind the plot. 

I've been waiting to get Rosa's story and for Cam to finally find peace. I knew he was innocent from the last book. There is NO way he could've done it. I had my suspicion and I was right. HAHA! BUT the WHY was what was throwing me off and not being confident on the who. Ooooo the why was good and added an extra layer to the story. 

I liked Cam from the moment we met him. He is simply adorable! I liked Rosa too. However....I wasn't 100% convinced I liked these two together. I did warm up to them eventually, but at first, I was not feeling the chemistry. Near the end, I was finally okay with it and it finally clicked for me.

The big twist/why had me on the floor! I totally did NOT see that coming. Like I said really added a nice layer of complexity to the story. Perfecto!

Oooo that was a good ending. We shall have more Angels! I am excited. It totally makes sense that the Queen would have more secret Angels to watch over her and Robert the Bruce. Yayy I am excited for more. 

Overall, I enjoyed this. This was a nice way to end this arch of the mystery. It took me 'til near the end to really click with Rosa and Cam as a couple, but when it did click for clicked and I was happy for them. I also LOVED the reveal. I had the who, but not the why. Fun! I am really adoring this series and I am glad there shall be more. Huzzah! I'll give this 4 stars. 


- #11 on THE BAD BOYS OF ROMANCE challenge


Melliane said...

I'm glad to see you had a good time again!

Carole Rae said...

Yess i am adoring this series

Blodeuedd said...

Ohhh big twist! I want to not see it coming too lol

Jen Twimom said...

Oh, this sounds like something I would totally enjoy. Glad you liked it so much.

Sophia Rose said...

Yay for this most anticipated book being all that you could want. The mystery and twist do sound like a great element and I like the sound of the hero and heroine.

Carole Rae said...

Jen, the series is holding up so far!

Sophia, they were fun!