Tuesday, November 10

TMST: New Hobbies/Interests

November 10th: have you found any new interests or hobbies during the covid lockdown/stay at home orders?

No real new hobbies that I can immediately think of. Been trying to really focus on the hobbies and interests I do like. 

I will say I did buy my switch a few months ago shortly after the pandemic hit so I guess that would count? I played the old Animal Crossing games, but I've become ADDICTED to this new game. So fun!

A painting I did the other day. :) 


Jen Twimom said...

Carole - I LOVE the painting! Good for you. And yes, ACNH counts as a new hobby! :-)

Blodeuedd said...

That is my fav painting for far :D

Carole Rae said...

Jen, thank youuuu! :)

B, awwww it is one of my faves too.