BF found this movie on Tubi and demanded we watch this. I love horror and thrilled films so I was game (even though it made me stay up too late...whoops) PLUS this has one of my favorite actors. Yayy
A seemingly normal couple come across a gang who take it a step too far. Little do they know...things are NOT at all what they seem and they have no idea who they are messing with.
This had a lot of sharp turns and twists in the story. You know something is up with this couple. From the way they both act to the things they say. Very confusing...but then it ALL makes sense after they are taken hostage and things escalate pretty quickly.
Oooo this was a gory mess but it was fun. It is for sure a good Halloween movie or if you like slasher movies ;)
But it wasn't all gore and no story. There is a story amongst all the chaos.
I really was only rooting for the Emma. Poor thing. Even the gang members had a chance to be good and save her...but they ended up being just as bad so you don't really feel bad for them when they start dropping like flies.
Dumb idiot Flynn. SMH.
OOOO Luke Evan's unnamed were scary especially after that one scene. Can't say but omg I didn't expect that. It was pretty different and gruesome.
The ending did confuse me a little bit. Why did HE do what he did? Is it symbolism? Is it another psychological test? Maybe they meant to have a sequel but it never came to fruition? OR is the ending supposed to make you a little bit what is the end game? What is the plan? OH NO. Mmmmmmmm.
Overall, this was a fun thriller/horror/gore-feast of a movie. Oooh Luke Evans you were a scary dude. If you like slasher films then this is the one for you. I'll stamp this with 3 stars. The ending was a little weird for me.
Eeek sounds too bloody, but oooh LUke Evans!
Love him!
I'll pass, I'm a fraidy cat!
Awww tis okay. Not everyone's cup of tea.
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