Saturday, February 25

Weekly Book Blog Hop (2) & Today in History

This is a weekly book blog hop. It runs throughout the week. I haven't posted one of these in a little while, so here I am! Since I'm rather bored at the moment and my mind is too frayed to read or etc, I'll share a nice little random list of events that happened today on Feb. 24th. ^.^ Enjoy:

"Welcome to our Weekly Book Blog Hop!!
This runs every Wednesday - Saturday
including a Book Giveaway linky, Goodreads linky
and Authors Who Welcome UK Reviewers linky
Beck Valley Books Weekly Book Blog Hop
Our Book Blog Hop is here to unite all booklovers worldwide,
readers, book reviewers, authors, publishers, book bloggers, book sellers,
putting you all in touch with each other
and keeping real books alive x

We would love it if you could share our hop with all your booky friends
and display are book hop badge (optional obviously x)
First  follow our blog using Google Friend Connect,
leave a comment and I will always follow back,
then add your blogs and giveaways below.....
(please follow instructions for each linky)

Remember to leave a comment on each blog for a follow back!!
**  Authors Who Welcome UK Reviewers Linky  **
Authors will be added to our authors page
(Spread the word to help more authors and UK book reviewers)"

TODAY IN HISTORY SEGMENT (in thanks to History Channel):

~American Revolution: Marbury v. Madison creates judicial review, 1803

~French Formula One champ born, 1955

~American Civil War: Yankees attack Rebels near Dalton, Georgia, 1864

~ Avalanche buries homes in Austria, 1999

~President Andrew Johnson impeached, 1868

~Peron elected in Argentina, 1946

~Gulf War ground offensive begins, 1991 (the year of my birth)

~The Wizard of Oz announced, 1938

~Wilhelm Grimm is born, 1786

~The Old West: Travis sends for help at the Alamo, 1836

~ The Great One scores 77th goal, 1982

~ Vietnam War: Hue recaptured, 1968

~Vietnam War: Airman receives Medal of Honor for action on this day, 1969

~World War I: British troops recapture Kut in Mesopotamia, 1917

~World War II: 'Merrill's Marauders' hit Burma, 1944



Blodeuedd said...

I should have checked that site on my bday...*checks*
Eh boring, just some stuff about the miracle on ice

Carole Rae said...

yeaaa, my bday events weren't anything that special either.

Carole said...

This is a nice blog. I found it when I was checking the page ranking of my own blog. I am another Carole (there is no other way to spell it, is there?). You might like this post I did on a cheese snack.

Carole Rae said...

Hi Carole! That's correct way to spell Carole in my book. ;D I'll have to check your blog out too! Thanks for stopping by!