Monday, September 5

Sunday/Monday Ketchup

~'Sunday Ketchup' is a weekly meme created by me (Carole) which was inspired by The Muse in the Fog's 'Suddenly Sunday' postings. However, when I went to spell 'Catchup' I accidently spelled the wrong version of the word. I thought it sounded cute, so it stayed. Plus I adore ketchup, so it's extra okay. ^.^ If you want to join in the ketchup goodness, feel free just make sure to mention me.~

Sorry about the late posting, I forgot that it was Sunday and I was just so busy I didn't even have time to take a nap before work. Oh well...anyhow, a lot has happened these last couple of weeks; on the blog and off! It's been a little hectic if you ask me. How has life been treating you all? Have you been busy too or is it just me? 

Past Week Posts:

~Apologies and News
~Childhood Wednesday: Finale
~Book Review: Bewitched by Sandra Schwab
~Movie Review: Shinobi, Heart Under Blade

What Came in the Mail/Store?:
I only received the movie 'Shinobi: Heart Under Blade' which I already watched and reviewed. I couldn't help myself! =) 

What's Going to Be Posted This Upcoming Week?:
Mhmmm, I hope I have time to post the normal stuff and perhaps a book review or two. I'm not sure what I'm going to post on Wednesdays....I don't know if I want to restart with 'Wildcard Wednesday' or not...what do you think? Maybe I'll come up with something different. We shall see.

Anything New For the Blog?:
Well, the other day I added a 'Labels' section right below the 'Rating System' section. I've been meaning to do a label section for quite some time, but never found the motivation. I'll be updating the 'Quotes section', 'Favorite Song of the Moment' section, and the Music Video page. Oh, yes, I have a new favorite song so I'll announce that soon! Plus, 'Music Monday' will have a new feature or two. Wow....I'm going to be one busy beaver this week!

Tim Horton News:
It's Labor Day weekend, so we've been slightly busy. Also, we are beginning our Fall menu which is slightly exciting! Also, we are bringing back the bread bowls and introducing new Paninis. I finished my videos on how to make them and they seem pretty good and easy to make. September 28th will be my one year anniversary with Tim Hortons, so that's a pretty neat achievement! Oh! I am now being forced to wear the white bakers outfit when I bake (poo), but I've avoided it this long so I'm okay with it.

Anything Else?:
Yes! I can't help but spoil this for you guys....sometime this week I'll be announcing my give-away! You may be asking, "What is she giving away this time?" Well, I won't tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I'll give you a is a book and it has a pretty cover. ^.^ I can't wait!!

There's a lot of news this week! It's bound to be another busy week both off and on the blog. Hope you guys have a great week!



Blodeuedd said...

Lol, a book with a pretty cover ;) I am afraid I can't guess

Carole Rae said...

hahaha hints weren't that helpful were they?