Thursday, September 1

Book Review: Bewitched

Author: Sandra Schwab
Title: Bewitched
Genre: Fantasy, Historical Romance, Regency, Paranormal
Pages: 321
First Published: 2008
Where I Got It: Library

"When young Miss Amelia Bourne suffers a mishap that strips away her magical powers and sees her sent into Regency London to find a husband, she begins to wonder if the sexy Sebastian "Fox" Stapleton isn't just a little too perfect—and if a blacker magic isn't playing with their hearts." (Goodreads)

I love Sandra Schwab and I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into this! 'Castle of the Wolf' left me dying to read her other novels, so when this came in for me at my library I immediately began to read. I will admit it....I had high expectations for this one. I know, I know, it's never good to go into a book with such high expectations, but I did. I will admit it....this novel let me down a little. 

I found this one to be okay. It wasn't great like the last one. It took me a long time to read this, because after they drank the potion the story slowed down to nearly a stop. I had to force myself to continue, it felt like a chore for a hundred or so pages. However, once Amelia snapped out of it and began to question what was going on, the story brightened back up. 

I loved how Sandra Schwab intertwined magic and storytelling into the plot. You don't read many romances that have magic involved.  I also really liked the fact Amelia and Fox were so completely different! It reminded me a lot of the show 'Bewitched', perhaps that's were she got the idea from. Hmmm. Amelia is a witch and funny and a free spirit, whilst Fox is logical, straight-laced, and foxish (if that's a word).  Even though much of the language in this book was very modern, I still loved the dialogue and all that.

All-in-all, I found this book to be very dull at points and some of the language used was too modern. I found that some of the events didn't seem to make sense, like how Fox suddenly got past his logic and believed in the magic aspect. Which I adored. I loved the magic idea she used for this. I do believe Sandra Schwab has her own magic while she writes, because even though this wasn't my favorite novel by her I still enjoyed it somewhat. I can't wait until I have her next novel in my hands! I recommend this to people who love somewhat gothic feeling novels or historical romance or magic plotted books or all three. Out of five stars I grant this one 3 *** stars. In all reality it is 3.4, but I don't give decimals.

Favorite Character(s): Amelia and Andrew Fermont
Not-so Favorite Character(s): Fox (I don't know why though, but I found him annoying)




Blodeuedd said...

Hm, you are making me unsure now whether I would like this one or not. It is just one of those maybe books, I have to check that other one

Carole Rae said...

Well, you might like it better than I! It just wasn't my cup of tea, I suppose. =)

Sandra Schwab said...

Aw, I'm sorry to hear that this one didn't work quite so well for you. Still, thanks for the review, and I hope you'll like the next one better! :)

Carole Rae said...

Hi Sandra Schwab! It's an honor for me that you would comment (again) on my review. ^.^ Yeah, I I can't wait to read your next one!