Genre: TV special, Documentary
Rating: PG
Where I Got It: HBO Max
Rating: PG
Where I Got It: HBO Max
Cast members from all "Harry Potter" films reunite in a retrospective special to celebrate the anniversary of the first film, including interviews and cast conversations
I wasn't planning on reviewing this. But I also planned on watching it LIVE, but didn't. Breaking all the rules, eh?
The cast of the Harry Potter movies are back to chat and go behind-the-scenes. A reunion of sorts.
I am so glad I didn't watch this live. From what I read on Twitter and other sources I guess there had been a couple oopsies. Like putting the wrong name on the wrong person. Yikes!!!
The producers when back and made the fixes before it was placed on HBO max for us non-livers who wanted to watch. I'm glad they made the fixes, but just WOW. They should've double-checked their work FOR sure.
This really did bring the feels. It was awesome learning about some behind-the-scenes stories and seeing some clips that didn't make it into the films. It was fun learning about personal relationships between the cast. I also loved seeing them talk and just remember the good and the bad times. Like Rupert asked Emma why she thought about leaving the HP films. He had never asked in the past, so he thought to ask then.
I do wish, though, that we had a scene at least where everyone that could sat together at a table and had dinner. I get with COVID, I'm sure some of the actors probably didn't feel comfy, but I would've loved it. We mainly had maybe 2 or 3 together at most. Some solo interviews too. I thought it woulda been nice to see them all around the table like the Wesleys enjoying each other's company and some HP inspired food. Or something.
Overall, this was a very sweet and fun documentary. I loved seeing all these familiar faces. I grew up next to these guys! It was nice to learn more about the people who played our beloved characters.
I for sure recommend this. I'll give it 4 stars.
Wait, you could watch it LIVE? How did that even happen - the interviews weren't all done at the same time.
I watched it and enjoyed it. I missed some of the actors who weren't there (by choice, I'm assuming). It was heart-warming, too. But what really struck me was listening to the main three discuss their mental and emotional health as the movies gained popularity. How they literally lost themselves to the characters. I'm glad they all seemed to have moved on and can look back on their time with fondness.
I think "live" was like live on TV and airing for the first time.
Sameeee there were some actors I really wished showed up. I loved hearing Emma talk about why she wanted to leave. It really got deep and heavy. They were just kids with big roles.
Maybe, if it aired somewhere
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