Tuesday, January 25

TMST: Pesky Reviews

1/25/2022  What do you do when that pesky review makes you work for it?

I think my biggest struggle is ACTUALLY getting myself to sit down. But when I do struggle writing it and I can't find the words I do have a back-up plan in my pocket...

When that review is kicking my ass, I'll do my The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly format. This just simplifies and helps my list my feelings.

Sometimes that might spark my words to flow and I'll just go from there and remove my bullet points. Sometimes I just go with my bullet points and do that for my review. 

When THAT doesn't help...I'll just walk away. Maybe read a few pages again and go to bed. Sometimes your brain needs a reset. 


Blodeuedd said...

Just walk away, yes, sometimes nothing else works

Jen Twimom said...

That's why when I let them pile up, I feel like I'm more productive getting them all done. But sometimes walking away is the answer.

Carole Rae said...

B, yess sometimes you just need to do it later.

Jen, I get overwhelmed letting them pile up X_X. But yesss taking a break is good for ya

Mary Kirkland said...

I write notes as I'm reading. I find it helps to write the review right after I'm finished reading too. But that's probably because it's fresh in my mind. If I wait, I'll forget things. lol

Carole Rae said...

Taking notes is a good idea!