Sunday, January 2

2022 Goals - Reading Challenges & etc


Well....welcome 2022. It's going to be an interesting year. 

Here are my book goals and my general life goals for the year *fingers crossed*

Reading Challenges

- Goodreads challenge: 140 books

- ROMANCE READING CHALLENGE: Fill in all the boxes

- Audiobook  Challenge: I plan on reading 75+ 

2022 Audiobook Challenge

Life Goals
I'm getting married in May so I will have a lot to do between now and then. Eeeeek! In between planning I still want to post 4x a week here on the blog. I still want to paint and write. I need to do more than I did last year. 


Jen Twimom said...

Nice goals. I hope I didn't over extend myself with my goals - I'll think of them as "suggestions." Also - without even trying I've already finished two boxes. WOO HOO!

Blodeuedd said...

Good luck!

Carole Rae said...

Jen, same. As much as I would love to do all the challenges I know I would get stressed. Last thing I want to do is making reading feel like homework.

B, you too my friend!