Sunday, November 15

Book Review: Flirtation & Folly by Elizabeth Rasche

Elizabeth Rasche
Title: Flirtation & Folly
(A Season in London #1)
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: ebook
Published:  November 9th 2020 
Pages: 326 
Where I Got It: My shelf (given to me by the author/publisher for my honest and unbiased opinion)

MARIANNE MOWBREY is a responsible country rector’s daughter who longs for the novelty and excitement she reads about in novels. When her crusty Aunt Harriet agrees to give her a Season in London, Marianne vows to dazzle the world, win a husband, and never go home again. But the Londoners who determine social success are inclined to pass over plain Marianne in favor of her beautiful, reckless younger sister.

In a world of ambition, fashion, flattery, and deceit, how can Marianne stay true to her real self—when she is not even sure what that real self is?

Couldn't resist picking this one up. The cover and the summary. Totally up my alley 

The story follows Marianne who is a country rector's daughter. She longs for a life of excitement like the heroines in the novels she reads. Her Aunt Harriet agrees to give her a Season in London and help her maybe find a husband. Marianne vows to dazzle the world, find love, and never go back to her boring home. However, the Londoners seem to pass over her in favor of her younger and more beautiful sister. Will Marianne find everything she wants, but stay true to her real self. 

Bless Marianne's heart. She just wants to be loved and have a life of her own. Can you blame her? Her parents are not cruel, but they demand so much of her and expect her to help since she is the eldest and they have no faith she'll find a husband. They let Belinda do whatever and she is obviously the favorite. Such a pity and you can't help but root for Marianne to get everything she wants and deserves. 

Oooo the ton. They never disappoint. They are so fake and rude and I do not think I would do well. I guess I would just end up as a spinster in the country. Fine by me if I can avoid people like Emily and even Belinda. Ugh. Maybe I could be like Aunt Harriet ;)

Sure there is a romance element to this, but it was mainly focused on Marianne and her journey to finding herself and maybe finding love along the way. I loved this and it was refreshing. It was very Austen-like so I really appreciated this story and the characters. 

The ending made me grin ear-to-ear. Loved it!!

I really enjoyed the story overall. The author really did a wonderful job bringing this large cast of characters to life and this world. We get to see the good, the bad, and the ugly of this society and these characters. Sometimes someone or something is not as it seems. 

Overall, this was a really good book. I adored it. I liked Marianne and it was fun watching her grow into herself and try and make her way through Society. The ending was good and I loved it. I'll stamp this with 5 stars. 


Melliane said...

Oh it looks like a great one there! I don't think I know about the author

Elizabeth Rasche said...

I'm a new author, @Melliane, so your comment is especially appreciated! I hope you get a chance to check out the book.

Passages to the Past said...

Woo Hoooo! I'm so glad you loved it! Thank you for the wonderful review + blog tour support, Carole!

HF Virtual Book Tours

Blodeuedd said...

Awww sounds fun :D

Oh and the ton, grrr

Elizabeth Rasche said...

The ton definitely deserves a lot of growls. :) Thanks for the encouragement, @Blodeuedd.

Carole Rae said...

Melliane, yes it was!

Elizabeth, thank you so much for swinging by and letting me read your book. :)

Amy, thank you for including me!

B, it was! And yesssss the ton...sighs.

Sophia Rose said...

I love that it has a romance, but the focus is on Marianne's personal journey to finding herself. Neat that it felt like Austen's novels to you.

Jen Twimom said...

Oh, this one sounds awesome! Go underdog!

RO said...

Been a long time since I read a historical romance, but this sure sounds like a goodie! Hugs, RO

Carole Rae said...

Sophia, yess it was a nice take on the HR genre

Jen, yayy for underdogs!

RO, it was a goodie for sure!

Elizabeth Rasche said...

Sophia Rose, thank you so much for your comment and encouragement! I love a story where the character seeks authenticity and finding herself.

Elizabeth Rasche said...

Jen Twimom, I am so glad there are people out there who love underdogs as much as I do. :) Thank you so much for your encouragement!

Elizabeth Rasche said...

RO, thank you so much for your comment and encouragement! I hope you get a chance to check it out.

Carole Rae, thanks for the insightful review! I am so happy you enjoyed the book.