Narrator: Pearl Hewitt
Title: Expecting His Proposal (Darcy and Elizabeth Short Stories)
Genre: Historical Romance, What-if, Novella
Format: Audiobook
Pages: 92
Published: August 12th 2014
Where I Got It: My shelf (Audible)
Summary: In this diverting Pride and Prejudice short story, what if Darcy had not wounded Elizabeth's pride by insulting her at the Meryton assembly and had danced with her instead? What if Elizabeth had refused to hear a negative word formed against Darcy by his former friend, George Wickham? What if Elizabeth had been so agreeably engaged with thoughts of the master of Pemberley that by the time his visit to Kent was drawing nearer to its end, she was indeed expecting his proposal?
Another P&P variation. hehe.
This one changes the events of things. What if Darcy didn't wound Elizabeth's pride by insulting her at the Meryton assembly and actually DID dance with her instead. What if Elizabeth had refused to hear a negative word from Wickham? Things are all different except that Darcy DID convince Bingley to abandon Jane since she doesn't seem to care about him.
I liked it. It was cute. It was fun watching Lizzie wait for his proposal at Kent. It was adorable seeing them be in love early on.
But not all is roses and rainbows here. Darcy STILL did convince Bingley Jane doesn't have real feelings. And of course...somehow (won't say)....Elizabeth did find out about this. So yes - there was some drama. Darcy did a good job fixing everything, but I was worried about HOW he would fix it.
The narrator was perfect! I think she did the last one? I can't remember, but I have heard her voice before.
This was short and cute. If you need some P&P variation in your life, I recommend this. There are others in this "series" but it is just a collection and not a real "series" as we know it, so you can read out of order like me. I'll give this 5 stars.
- #33 for Audiobook Challenge
God damn it Darcy, you still did that? Oh well, a little drama is needed
Awww, nice.
B, yessss I was mad at him for that
vvb32, very!
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