Thursday, July 2

Reading Goal Check - HALFWAY THERE FOLKS

Eeeeeeeeeeeee halfway through the year. What a year it has been indeed *sighs*

Here is my reading goal check:

Reading Challenges:

Audiobook Listen -  28/50

Goodreads -  67/140 

2020 Romance Bingo Reading Challenge - 2 bingos so far

How are you all doing? I need to step it up a hair! 


Disney Runs in the Family: Ohhhhh...(more than) halfway there!!!


Blodeuedd said...

I had like 1 bingo I think :/

Jen Twimom said...

Nice work!! I forgot all about my bingo sheet! I need to find it. I'm a little behind on my goals - we'll see how the rest of 2020 goes.

Carol said...

Looks like you're doing pretty good. I have a feeling I got way more reading done during the first half of the year than I will the second.

Carole Rae said...

LOL I barely got the 2nd one in time for the check in ;)

Jen, eeee!!! I need to see how many bingos you have lol

Carol, same here and thank you :)

Sophia Rose said...

You're cruising along well for your challenges. :)

Carole Rae said...

Thanks Sophia! Sorry for the super duper late reply.