Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.
What are some of your favorite ghost story books?
Ghost stories. Mhmmmm. I do not read a lot of ghost stories. I watch a lot of movies with ghosts, but reading? I’m not sure if it counts with PNR type books, so I shall not count that.
I did recently read a short story about ghosts that was pretty good! Here is the link to my review. Check it out! Last I check it was free on Amazon. I think they were ghosts? Not 100% sure there. Buut it was creepy and good.
In my youth, I loved the Goosebumps books. Those were fun too!
I would like to say that Edgar Allen Poe and HP Lovecraft are the Kings of Ghosts and other things spooky, so I highly recommend them. I haven’t read any this Halloween season yet. I should though! I tend to sprinkle in their works throughout the year. There are so many stories they work! Someday I will be able to claim to have read them all!
Ghost stories. Mhmmmm. I do not read a lot of ghost stories. I watch a lot of movies with ghosts, but reading? I’m not sure if it counts with PNR type books, so I shall not count that.
I did recently read a short story about ghosts that was pretty good! Here is the link to my review. Check it out! Last I check it was free on Amazon. I think they were ghosts? Not 100% sure there. Buut it was creepy and good.
In my youth, I loved the Goosebumps books. Those were fun too!
I would like to say that Edgar Allen Poe and HP Lovecraft are the Kings of Ghosts and other things spooky, so I highly recommend them. I haven’t read any this Halloween season yet. I should though! I tend to sprinkle in their works throughout the year. There are so many stories they work! Someday I will be able to claim to have read them all!
I did not think pnr either, but it seems those worked too ;)
If you want a good ghost story try NOS4A2.
B, best I got!
Ana, I will look it up!
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