Title: Don't Turn On The Light
Genre: Short Story, Fiction, Horror, Thriller
Pages: ebook
Published: January 31st 2014
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon Freebie)
When Frank, Shelley and their two young children move into the home of their dreams, they discover a problem with the cellar.
It doesn't take them long to find out why the house was sold at a knock-down price.
I was looking for a quick and spooky read for over the weekend. I found this little gem as a freebie on Amazon. Short and spooky.
The story follows Frank and his family. They move into a new house and it is the house of their dreams. Always too good to be true ;). They happen to find a cellar they were not aware of. Whelp…this is the reason why the house was sold super cheap.
What I loved about this story was the fact that it is similar to other stories, BUT has one big difference. I will not spoil this. But it was unique and a cool idea.
Poor Frank…poor Shelley. I cannot say, but I feel for them.
This didn’t scare me until after I finished and thought about it for a bit. How horrible!!!! Ugh! Scary! There is no escape!!! LOL Read it and you’ll understand ;)
I am curious to see what happens next…but I like how this ended. A little bit of an open ending, but it worked well for this. Made it more goose-bumply (is that a word?).
Overall, a nice story for the Halloween season! Nothing too scary, but it does make you get some goosebumps. I’ll give this 5 stars.
I'm not a horror fan - it's not that everything has to be sweet and nice but horror takes the dark side too far for me. Cheers
Oh poop, we should have done something with horror for Oct
Carole, I totally get it. Not everyone's cup of tea!
B, well...we did get one for Sept...so that counts eh?
I must check this one out!
Yess! It should still be free
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