Tuesday, May 29

Time for TV Tuesday: Turn (Season 4)

Recently Finished:
TURN: Washington's Spies (Season 4)


No! So sad! I didn't want this to end. I really think this was the best season out of all of them. So good. 

The season ends and goodness what is going to happen. All of the rings work and all of the enemies work is coming to a draw. Yes, yes, we all know the Americans win. Not new news, but there were times I was worried. ;) 

I was especially worried about my favorites!! 

The ending was the best. That last episode made me cry. Everything came together and it felt so real. The writer's did a wonderful job. I liked it a lot and all the lose ends was nicely tied with a bow. My favorite type of endings. I was really sad about the fate of one character, but war and especially post-war can be cruel and not everyone is lucky. Poor character. 

What else can I say without spoiling? 

I decided to watch the first episode of the first season right after this and it is CRAZY how much everyone changed, but also stayed the same at the same time. Everything was balanced. Story, character-development, action, and drama.  

I have zero complaints about this last season. The whole show, overall, was very good. I highly recommend this for historical lovers. I want to read the book! 

In the end, I want to re-watch this series. Super good. 5 stars for this last season. 


Blodeuedd said...

I really need to check if this is on anywhere

Carole Rae said...

I watch it on Netflix.

Anachronist said...

well, maybe.

Carole Rae said...

Not a bad show at all.