Title: Three Cups of Tea One Man's Mission to Promote Peace ... One School at a Time
Genre: Nonfiction
Pages: 349
Published: 2006
Where I Got It: My shelf (Friend gave me copy)
The inspiring account of one man's campaign to build schools in the most dangerous, remote, and anti-American reaches of Asia.
I have been dreading writing this review honestly. It’s not that this book is bad by any means, but it is bad. Read on and you will hopefully see what I mean.
The story follows Greg Mortenson who is pretty much a world hero and a self-proclaimed hero who has brought education to parts of the world that really need it, especially for the young girls. I say that with love. He is not humble in the work he has done. WHICH he shouldn’t be humble because he has done some amazing work, BUT an ounce of humble-pie is good for you when helping write your own book.
Which brings me to my biggest issue of the book. This was written by two completely different authors. You can really tell. You get used to one format and style of writing and then BAM the other writer hops in mid-paragraph. *blinks* I swear I was getting whiplash.
Not only did the writing style change, but the format of the text. The tense would change. It was like a documentary written down word for word. Things are going well and then the camera would change to an interview with the subject to get his opinion on a certain topic or event and then back to viewing the story. It was horribly distracting and made the flow as well as a choppy ocean during a hurricane. My poor brain.
Besides for the terrible writing I had to endure, I really did like the story. Yes, yes. That sounds hard and impossible. I really did like seeing the people he ran into and the growth he had as a person as he filled the shoes of a World Hero. He really did do wonders for people who needed it.
That is why I loathed writing this. I do not want to take away this story. I want people to experience the journey the man went on. Maybe watch his interviews and documentaries instead though. This? Gah. I can’t fully recommend it without a huge WARNING sign on the cover.
Now…the 2nd thing I dread….the star stamp…errr…ummmmm….2 stars. Is that too low? Gah! I don’t know. I’ll stick with 2.
Thanks for the review. I have this in my pile. But now maybe no more...
Melliane, very
Vvb32, you never know. You might like it more than me!
ugh yeah nah
Don't blame you ;)
Sometimes artistic cooperation backfires.
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