Title: Rescue Me
Genre: Romance
Pages: ebook
Published: Feb 2014
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon freebie)
Getting stood up on Valentine’s Day has taken Molly Mack places she never would have dared to go…
After Molly Mack’s deadbeat boyfriend dumps her on the most romantic day of the year, Molly finds herself pushed to the edge—and in a tight spot. The only rescuer for miles around is her grumpy, laconic—and piping hot—neighbor, Dave Jenkins. Before long, Molly and Dave have struck enough sparks to bring the fire department running. Now the question is, Does Molly still want to be rescued? Or is she exactly where she wants to be?
Oooooh Molly. You poor girl. But it all works out for you I guess! Sexy neighbor coming to save you from your silly ex, yourself, and you getting stuck on that ledge. Yayy Dave.
Okay...so yes. Short story. Girl needs saving from the hot neighbor guy. They kiss, they talk, and they find love on a cold Valentine's Day night. It hit all the points you would expect of it, but what I didn't expect was comedy.
This had me laughing! In a good way mind you! With it...not at it. Molly is hilarious and I enjoyed following her. Dave was funny too. Poor guy is hot but he gets nervous around pretty girls so he has issues landing them...they always think he is a big silent grump who thinks he is better than me.
This was short so things happen quickly. There is an open-ended ending and it didn't bug me...which is not my norm. I do want more of course. I like solid conclusions...but I was okay with how it ended. I hope they have an HEA!!!!! I'm sure they did.
Not an amazing short story, but it was cute and funny. A good Valentine's Day short story indeed. I'll give it 4 stars.
You are luckier with freebies than I am
A nice review but I am not so sure...
B, I am SOOOO picky on what I pick up for the freebies. lolll
Ana, lol I mean...if it is free the worst that can happen is that you hate it. ;)
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