Wednesday, February 21

Wednesday Writing Prompt #7

Happy Wednesday everyone! This is a Wednesday prompt that showcases my responses to the writing prompts in this 300 Writing Prompt book. Just something fun to do! Feel free to join in. I may not share every week, but it is fun to share when I do.

Holy cow! It has been a LONG time since I've share some of my prompts. I blame it on moving and losing the darn thing. I recently found it after unpacking. We are about 90% done. HUZZAH! So I should have more of these in the future. I would at least like to share all 300. 

-          Have you experienced something that just could not be logically explained?

o   My life? Ha! No, but seriously I have so many experiences. The one that first comes to mind is an experience I had eons ago. I was very little, about 5. My mom and I were living with my Grandpa Carol. One day, I was in the basement playing with my Barbies on the cot. This slim, black cat came up to me. I said a hello and went back to my fantasy world. The cat meowed, sniffed me, and then it went under the cot. I thought nothing of it. That night after being ticked in that same cat appeared and came over to me. It meowed and jumped on the bed. We cuddled. The next night the cat never came again. I asked mom where the cat had gone. She looked at me utterly confused, “What cat?”
Later I found out that cat had been dead for 5 years.

-          What do you need right now?

o   I need a nap. I need a nap on a vacation. What is better than when you are on vacation and you have all the time to just take a nap with zero care or stresses? Naps on vacation is worth all the stress of life and work. Oh! I could use some Oreos too right about now. Yes, Oreos and a long nap.

-          It is the end of your life and you are up on stage being presented with a major award. What award is it, and what have won it for?

o   Award? Ummmmmm…..clumsy-no-matter-what Award. The reason is clear. I get hurt NO matter what. For example, I pulled a muscle in my foot and I have no idea how or why. So yes…fumbling and tumbling through life award.


Melissa (My words and pages) said...

I want to get back to doing these. Life is always crazy lately and I'm starting to iron out a routine. Hmmm. We'll see what happens in the coming month. :)

Blodeuedd said...

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! That is creepy

Carole said...

The clumsy no matter what award would be hotly contested by me! Cheers

Carole Rae said...

Melissa, life is crazy! It's been a while since I've done these too. Good luck! You should share if you do!!

B, yessss so creepy!

Carole, we will have to have a contest! ;D