Friday, February 2

Best of January

Hello all to 2018 (just in case some people were not aware of the year change)! We shall continue our monthly award giving meme to the best ofs!

Here is our best of January. 

First, favorite movie:

My choice is......Star Wars The Last Jedi

"Had a couple really good ones, but nothing amazing this month for movies. I’ll have to say that ‘Star Wars the Last Jedi’ is the one for this month. I really enjoyed it. I personally think it was the best Star Wars movie I have seen to date. I’ve never been a huge fan. Just a passive one, so this really stuck with me. Plus it doesn’t hurt Kylo is a cutie LOL."

Blodeuedd's choice is...................Kubo and the two strings

"This one was so good and do not diss it just cos it is animated. Shame on you ;) Watch it!"

Next, Book favorite:
Up first is Blodeudd's pick............Cherish Hard by Nalini Singh

"Best book is harder. I read lots of good ones, but not a single amazing one. SO how to choose from equally good books? I will therefore choose the one with the best accents, Cherish hard by Nalini Singh.The narrators male voice was suberb."

Next, my choice..............The Tercentennial Baron by Will Damron

"I had a couple excellent ones this month. However, I think I’ll have to stick with this. It was an audiobook and I was so glued to the story. I didn’t want to stop listening! Such a good story. I loved the Baron the most. I WANT MORE!"

Lastly, cover (a new category for the new year)

My choice......

"This cover certainly stuck with me. It is a simple but beautiful in my opinion. The cover is what drew me in to give this short story a try."

Blodeuedd's choice...................

"Carole was talking about covers and I was all, I do not have an amazing one! So I will go with the cutest one, and the one that made me want to buy a dress"

About the Authors
Carole and Blodeuedd have been blogging a long while now. The last couple of years the epic duo have been discussing books, watching movies, and even wetting the pen and sharing their stories with the worldwide web. They both love cats, chocolate, and a good story.


vvb32 reads said...

Nice touch with the cover category. I love looking at good covers. The Golden Cage cover is an eye catcher.

Blodeuedd said...

I do like the cover you chose

Carole Rae said...

vvb32, thanks!! I love to give props to the pretty or cute or just neat looking ones.

B, I like the one you picked too!! Good choices this month.

Anachronist said...

Happy February and more amazing books and movies!

Carole Rae said...

Happy Feb!