Saturday, June 20

FitReaders #23 & #CCRutBusterrrr

This challenge is organized by Geeky Blogger's Book Blog & That’s What I’m Talking About
Sunday: Rest day. We went to an animal tattoo fundraiser. :3
Monday: 1 mile walk & 50 crunches
Tuesday: .50 mile walk
Wednesday: .25 mile walk & .75 jog/run & 5 mins weights
Thursday: 1 mile walk & 15 mins yoga
Friday: 30 mins Zumba & 60 crunches
Saturday: 1 hour Tennis!
Conclusion: Pretty good week. This little challenge with my friend is helping a lot! #CCRutBusterrrr is our hashtag. :3

Darn Boyfriend's computer. For some dumb reason he had it a day ahead. >___<


Blodeuedd said...

Nice week :)

Anachronist said...

The last one photo's caption left me in stiches! I could say the same most of the time, LOL!

Carole Rae said...

B, :D I am back on board!

Ana, hahaha it is a fantastic quote.