Monday, October 1

A Late Music Monday

Happy late Monday everyone! How was everyone's weekend? Mine? Well, filled with work and tiredness. I worked a 10 hour shift today and I nearly forgot to post my Music Monday post today. Not complaining about working too much, but for some reason it....just doesn't feel right. I like Subway, I do, but....I'm not sure. 

Anyways, let's begin with the music.

First is a video that my professor shared with us in our Macroeconomics class. It's kind of funny, but true. Death to the penny!! *shakes pitchfork*

Not only do I like this next song, but I feel like Athena from To Catch a Wolf would listen to this and imagine her beloved Morgan. This is 'Give Your Heart a Break' by Selena Gomez.

Ahhhh, can't get enough of these multi-fandom videos. The song for this one is a personal favorite song of mine...'Wide Awake' by Katy Perry.

Hope you enjoyed my selections for this week. ^.^



Blodeuedd said...

Ohh music *goes to look* :)

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Great music. I don't think I've ever seen the video for Wide Awake until now. Thanks! It's great. And a few I want to tear up at seeing in that video.

Carole Rae said...

B, ^.^

Melissa, thanks! I know right. Some are really sad and whatnot.