Every Monday Dottie over at Tink's Place posts a picture and on Friday we share a story to go along with the picture. The story has to be about 350 or so words.
So sorry this is extremely late. I forgot to post this yesterday. I literally worked 12 hours and when I got home at 8:30 pm, I watched 'Once Upon a Time' and the finally of 'Copper'. After that I crashed. Hahaha. I zonked out and I woke up feeling great until I realized I have a load of homework to do. >.> Oh well. Here's my long-awaited story for this week.
The Long Wait (A Lord of the Rings variation)
by: Carole Rae
"The time of the Elves is over...."
With a sigh she let
the flower fall from her hands. It drifted slowly in the light,
perfect breeze. Slowly it fell down beyond her sight. This new world
was every thing the legends had said it would be. It was utter
paradise. Perfect in every way. Like the elves, the flowers never
died unless plucked from the branch. Never did the land have to
suffer war or horrible storms. This land did not have to suffer the
Dark Lord like Middle Earth; his evil powers could never reach this
land no matter how he wished it. However, once one came here, they
could never return to Middle Earth. The magic here protected itself
this way.
Her gaze shifted to
the floating city across the way. That city held the high born Elves.
Once Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel came they would live there. They
would end up like the rest of the higher Elves...they would rarely be
seen anymore. Her own father lived there, but she refused to live in
seclusion there for decades at a time. She had to wait for him. He
promised he would follow her to Aman once the Dark Lord was ended
forever. With each passing day, her heart sank. What if he died in
the wars? What if he found another lover and decided to stay? She
shook her head to stop the poisonous thoughts. If she allowed such
thoughts to flow through her mind, she would lose her sanity.
“He will probably
never come, Lady Anetha.” A velvety voice whispered behind her. She
slowly turned and glared at the man who dared tempt her with such
negative thoughts. He was tall with long blonde hair. He was one of
Lady Galadriel's top generals who came over to Aman years ago.
“He shall. Unlike
you he has a loyalty to make sure Middle Earth is save before he
leaves it forever.”
He chuckled, “I
am sorry to offend you my Lady,” He bowed and looked up at her with
shining cobalt eyes, “But if I were to have your heart, I would
abandon everything to be with you. Leave Middle Earth to its fate for
Anetha shook her
head, “Leave me alone. You think you are funny teasing me so.”
She quickly turned back around and hoped he would leave.
Lightly he touched
her long, ebony hair and whispered, “I do not mean to offend or
tease you Lady Anetha...but I hate to see you wait an eternity for a
man that may never find his way to Aman. There are few boats left, so
his chances are slipping away like the waves on the sand.” Before
Anetha could say anything he was gone as silently as he came.
“He will come. I
know just know it.”
Hours passed and
the sun was beginning to fade away. Anetha sadly watched the sky. The
different hues of blue, pink, and gold helped aid how beautiful Aman
was. However, Anetha could only morn over how she was stuck her
forever and possibly never see Fingon again. What if Luinwe was
right? What if Fingon misses the last ship to leave Middle Earth?
The day was drawing
to a close and the last ship of the day had reached shore hours ago
and all the passengers had long ago left shore and made their ways to
their final destinations; their last home until the end of the world.
Anetha took a deep
breathe and began to walk away. After a couple steps though, she
halted and stared at a dark, male figure leaning against the wall. A
hood was pulled over his face. The blood in her veins froze,
The man pushed his
way from the wall, “My lady.” He bowed and pulled the hood away
from his beautiful face. He slowly returned to his full height and
timidly smiled at her.
Anetha squealed and
jumped into his embrace. She kissed him for all she was worth. She
kissed him with all the love and hurt she had felt these many moons
without him in her sight. At first he was rather surprised at her
attack, but slowly he put his arms around her waist and soaked in her
kiss. Tears from both of them fell down their cheeks as they stood
there sharing their love and pain.
Even though the
time of the Elves on Middle Earth was coming to end, the Elves'
stories would never cease. They will continue to love and live until
the end of time.
Aww I wish I was an elf in Middle Earth
I know! *daydreams* I would be a very short elf....but oh well. lol
Oooh. I really loved this picture and would have loved to wrote to it. Great job!
Isn't it lovely? My friend showed me this pic and I sent it right away to Dottie. Thanks!
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