Wednesday, September 26

Wordless Wednesday & SMPH

(I deleted the first picture, because it appears "broken" sometimes, so eh)

(*fans self off* Nate)


Welcome to the Social Media Party Hop brought to you by Charisma Media!

 Are you ready to party?! This party does not require an invitation because everyone is invited! Are you looking to improve your social media reach? Looking to make new friends and fans? Why not link up to our 4 way social media hop!

We're looking for bloggers and book reviewers! Charisma Media membership is open and free to join! We offer friendship, networking, blog hops, review opportunities (books and product), giveaways opportunities and more! Meet our featured Charisma Media member: Courtney of Optimistic Mommy!
  Link up your Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest! Don't forget to like/follow and love on those who have linked up above and below you! Be sure to share our hop and feel free to re-post on your blog! To join just enter your blog name and the type of social media link. For example: (1) Your Blog Name (FB) or (2) Your Blog Name (Twitter)

Charisma Media Network


Blodeuedd said...

Arghh evil internet wont show me the pic...*shakes fist at evil internet*

Carole Rae said...

*gasps* Why not? It's showing on mine! *shakes fist* DAMN YOU INTERNET!

Carole said...

Hi, your first link is showing up as broken....?
Hope you are having a good week. Cheers

Carole Rae said...

Huh...thats odd Carole! On my side it seems fine....mmmmm. Interesting. Is it the first picture? Thanks! I hope you have a fantastic week also