Friday, December 23

Follow Friday

(Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read)

Well *looks up from book, with a pipe in hand*, hello everyone. What a glorious Friday it is...

*snaps out of it*
Sorry about being cheesy and trying to be funny. It's 1 AM here on my part of the world and I've been having trouble sleeping, so I'm a little slap-happy right now. Anyways...I haven't participated in Follow Friday in quite some time, so I decided to type this up and post it. Of course, I'll be hopping through some blogs. That's the fun of it! Blogs are like books; there are so many of them, but so little time. Like usual, the gals at Parajunkee and Alison Can Read present a question to be answered:

Q: If you had to spend an eternity inside the pages of a book, which book would you chose and why? 

A: That's a hard one...there are so many books I would love to be stuck in for an eternity. Umm...JRR Tolkien's books. I would prefer the last book Return of the King, because that one has the happy ending. haha. I wouldn't want to live in warfare and terror forever, so I would relish in the happy ending feeling. I just love the world JRR Tolkien created and sometimes I wish I lived in that world. There isn't any Tim Hortons there ^.^. Which book would you love to stuck in forever and ever and ever?



Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. It's pathetic - I haven't read the last LOTR book. I really should.
My Hop

Jennifer @ Bad Bird Reads said...

Never heard of that author. I will have to check them out. Already a follower.

Jennifer @ Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance

Kris said...

Thanks for following :) Im following you back now!

Is it wrong that i havent read any of JRR Tolkien's books? I think what threw me off was I watched the first Lord of the Rings film and fell asleep because I found it utterly boring, although your pictures seem to show a cool side to the books... maybe I should attempt to read his books then :D


Unknown said...

It is a very interesting and beautiful world! Great answer!
New follower
Visit My Follow Friday

TheReadingPenguin said...

Middle Earth does seem beautiful! New follower! My Follow

Blodeuedd said...

I want to go there!! :D

Carole Rae said...

Allison, haha it's okay. Thanks for hopping through!

Jennifer L. Bielman, *gasp* you never heard of JRR Tolkien? lol, its alright. You should check his books out.

Kris, its alright. The beginning of the movie WAS a little boring. hahaha you should check them out.

Carole Rae said...

Jennifer M, it is a lovely world and thanks!

Blodeuedd, maybe we could be neighbors! lol

sonia said...

Oh, jeez. This would be really impossible for me to decide. I think I'd like to hop through books as I get bored really easily. Probably Wuthering Heights, The House of Mirth, something set in the 20's in NYC, Hollywood in the 50's... iconic phases. So cliche. Sorry!

Tia said...

I haven't read any of Tolkien's books but know that the world created is fantastic! Great pick!

My Follow Friday!

Aeicha @ Word Spelunking said...

I would most definitely want to live in a peaceful Middle Earth! I think I'd fit right in with those Hobbitses ;)

Thanks for stopping by my blog and following, I followed back :)

Chayse Sundt said...

I love your comment. New follower so come follow me at Happy Holidays!

Carole Rae said...

Sonia, hahaha. That's why I picked the first thing that came to mind and just put that down.

Tia, it is a pretty fantastic world! Thanks! I'll defiantly stop on by. ^.^

Aeicha, as many would say..."Carole you are a hobbit". So perhaps I'll be happier amongst my fellow hobbitses. ;D

Chayse, aw thanks. Happy holidays and I'll stop on by. =D

Sarahbotbonkers said...

Interesting choice. I'm currently reading LOTR but can't seem to go further than p.50. Pathetic, right? But I'll push through. I know I can. :) Anyway, I'm a new follower. Happy Holidays!

Sarah @ Smitten over Books

Carole Rae said...

Yeah, the beginning is a little tough to get through. So no...not pathetic. Thanks and happy holidays! I'll be sure to pop on over.